- equivalent of an exchange
- эквивалент обмена
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
exchange — ex*change ([e^]ks*ch[=a]nj ), n. [OE. eschange, eschaunge, OF. eschange, fr. eschangier, F. [ e]changer, to exchange; pref. ex out + F. changer. See {Change}, and cf. {Excamb}.] 1. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for another which … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exchange broker — exchange ex*change ([e^]ks*ch[=a]nj ), n. [OE. eschange, eschaunge, OF. eschange, fr. eschangier, F. [ e]changer, to exchange; pref. ex out + F. changer. See {Change}, and cf. {Excamb}.] 1. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exchange theory — Exchange theories view social order as the unplanned outcome of acts of exchange between members of society. There are two major variants. Rational choice (or, as it is sometimes known, rational action) theory locates the source of order in the… … Dictionary of sociology
exchange — [eks chānj′, ikschānj′] vt. exchanged, exchanging [ME eschaungen < OFr eschangier < VL * excambiare: see EX 1 & CHANGE] 1. a) to give, hand over, or transfer (for another thing in return) b) to receive or give another thing for (something … English World dictionary
exchange — ex·change n 1 a: a giving of something of value (as real property) in return for something of equal value (as money or property of a like kind) b in the civil law of Louisiana: a giving of something of value in return for something of equal value … Law dictionary
Exchange — Ex*change , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exchanged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Exchanging}.] [Cf.OF. eschangier, F. [ e]changer. See {Exchange}, n.] 1. To part with give, or transfer to another in consideration of something received as an equivalent; usually… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exchange symmetry — is derived from a fundamental postulate of quantum statistics, which states that no observable physical quantity should change after exchanging two identical particles. It states that because all observables are proportional to left| psi ight|^2… … Wikipedia
exchange — ► VERB ▪ give something and receive something else in return. ► NOUN 1) an act or the action of exchanging. 2) a short conversation or argument. 3) the giving of money for its equivalent in the currency of another country. 4) a building or… … English terms dictionary
exchange — exchanger, n. /iks chaynj /, v., exchanged, exchanging, n. v.t. 1. to give up (something) for something else; part with for some equivalent; change for another. 2. to replace (returned merchandise) with an equivalent or something else: Most… … Universalium
exchange — [c]/əksˈtʃeɪndʒ / (say uhks chaynj), /ɛk / (say ek ) verb (exchanged, exchanging) –verb (t) 1. to part with for some equivalent; give up (something) for something else. 2. to replace by another or something else; change for another: to exchange a …
exchange — ex•change [[t]ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ[/t]] v. changed, chang•ing, n. 1) to give up (something) for something else; part with for some equivalent or substitute 2) to replace (returned merchandise) with something else 3) to give and receive reciprocally;… … From formal English to slang