- equivalence theorem
- теорема эквивалентности
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Compass equivalence theorem — The compass equivalence theorem is an important statement in compass and straightedge constructions. In these constructions it is assumed that whenever a compass is lifted from a page, it collapses, so that it may not be directly used to transfer … Wikipedia
Rogers' equivalence theorem — In computability theory Rogers equivalence theorem characterizes the Gödel numberings, or effective numberings of the set of computable functions. The theorem is named after Hartley Rogers, Jr.Equivalence theoremA numbering of the set of… … Wikipedia
Lax equivalence theorem — In numerical analysis, the Lax equivalence theorem states a consistent finite difference approximation for a well posed linear initial value problem is convergent if and only if it is stable. [Citation last = Strikwerda first = John C. title =… … Wikipedia
Optical equivalence theorem — The optical equivalence theorem in quantum optics says that the expectation value of any normally ordered function of creation and annihilation operators, can be found by replacing the operators by their eigenvalues and averaging over the… … Wikipedia
Equivalence relation — In mathematics, an equivalence relation is a binary relation between two elements of a set which groups them together as being equivalent in some way. Let a , b , and c be arbitrary elements of some set X . Then a b or a ≡ b denotes that a is… … Wikipedia
Equivalence of categories — In category theory, an abstract branch of mathematics, an equivalence of categories is a relation between two categories that establishes that these categories are essentially the same . There are numerous examples of categorical equivalences… … Wikipedia
Equivalence principle — General relativity|cTopic=Fundamental conceptsThe equivalence principle is one of the fundamental background concepts of the General Theory of Relativity. For the overall context, see General relativity.In the physics of relativity, the… … Wikipedia
Equivalence class — This article is about equivalency in mathematics; for equivalency in music see equivalence class (music). In mathematics, given a set X and an equivalence relation on X, the equivalence class of an element a in X is the subset of all elements in… … Wikipedia
Theorem of the cube — In mathematics, the theorem of the cube is a foundational result in the algebraic geometry of a complete variety. It was a principle discovered, in the context of linear equivalence, by the Italian school of algebraic geometry. The specific… … Wikipedia
Coase theorem — In law and economics, the Coase theorem (pronounced /ˈkoʊs/), attributed to Ronald Coase, describes the economic efficiency of an economic allocation or outcome in the presence of externalities. The theorem states that if trade in an externality… … Wikipedia
Ricardian equivalence — Ricardian equivalence, (also known as the Barro Ricardo equivalence proposition) is an economic theory which suggests that it does not matter whether a government finances its spending with debt or tax increase, total level of demand in an… … Wikipedia