- equitable estoppel
- лишение стороны права возражения по причине ее предшествующего поведения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
equitable estoppel — see estoppel 1 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. equitable estoppel … Law dictionary
equitable estoppel — The doctrine by which a person may be precluded by his act or conduct, or silence when it is his duty to speak, from asserting a right which he otherwise would have had. Mitchell v. Mclntee, 15 Or.App. 85, 514 P.2d 1357, 1359. The effect of… … Black's law dictionary
equitable estoppel — The doctrine by which a person may be precluded by his act or conduct, or silence when it is his duty to speak, from asserting a right which he otherwise would have had. Mitchell v. Mclntee, 15 Or.App. 85, 514 P.2d 1357, 1359. The effect of… … Black's law dictionary
equitable estoppel — A term which, for all practicable purposes, is the same as estoppel in pais; an estoppel of a party to plead or prove an otherwise important fact, because of something which he has done or omitted to do. 28 Am J2d Estop § 27. See estoppel in pais … Ballentine's law dictionary
Estoppel — in its broadest sense is a legal term referring to a series of legal and equitable doctrines that preclude a person from denying or asserting anything to the contrary of that which has, in contemplation of law, been established as the truth,… … Wikipedia
Estoppel (English law) — Estoppel is a legal doctrine that may be used in certain situations to prevent a person from relying upon certain rights, or upon a set of facts (eg. words said or actions performed) which is different from an earlier set of facts. Estoppel could … Wikipedia
estoppel — es·top·pel /e stä pəl/ n [probably from Middle French estoupail plug, stopper, from estouper to stop up see estop] 1: a bar to the use of contradictory words or acts in asserting a claim or right against another; esp: equitable estoppel in this… … Law dictionary
Estoppel — (RP: [ɪˈstɒpəl], GenAm: [ɛˈstɑːpəl]; von engl. to estop, „unterbinden, verhindern“) ist ein Grundsatz im Verfahrens und materiellen Recht des Common Law, der die Durchsetzbarkeit eines zustehenden Anspruchs aufgrund von Handlungen des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
equitable — eq·ui·ta·ble / e kwi tə bəl/ adj 1: having or exhibiting equity: dealing fairly and equally shall allocate...appropriations in an equitable manner U.S. Code 2: existing or valid in equity or as a matter of equity as distinguished from law an… … Law dictionary
estoppel in pais — see estoppel 1 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. estoppel in pais … Law dictionary
estoppel — /AstopAl/ Estoppel means that party is prevented by his own acts from claiming a right to detriment of other party who was entitled to rely on such conduct and has acted accordingly. Graham v. Asbury, 112 Ariz. 184, 540 P.2d 656, 658. A principle … Black's law dictionary