Equipotential — or isopotential in mathematics and physics (especially electronics) refers to a region in space where every point in it is at the same potential. This usually refers to a scalar potential, although it can also be applied to vector potentials.… … Wikipedia
Equipotential — E qui*po*ten tial, a. [Equi + potential.] (Mech. & Physics) Having the same potential. [1913 Webster] {Equipotential surface}, a surface for which the potential is for all points of the surface constant. Level surfaces on the earth are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
equipotential — [ē΄kwipō ten′shəl] adj. 1. having equal potentiality or power 2. Physics of the same potential at all points … English World dictionary
equipotential — adjective Date: circa 1865 having the same potential ; of uniform potential throughout < equipotential points > … New Collegiate Dictionary
equipotential — equipotentiality, n. /ee kweuh peuh ten sheuhl, ek weuh /, adj. Physics. of the same or exhibiting uniform potential at every point: an equipotential surface. [1670 80; EQUI + POTENTIAL] * * * … Universalium
equipotential — adjective Physics (of a surface or line) composed of points all at the same potential. noun an equipotential line or surface … English new terms dictionary
equipotential — e•qui•po•ten•tial [[t]ˌi kwə pəˈtɛn ʃəl, ˌɛk wə [/t]] adj. phs Physics. of the same or uniform potential at every point: an equipotential surface[/ex] • Etymology: 1670–80 e qui•po•ten ti•al′i•ty, n … From formal English to slang
equipotential — ekvipotencialinis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Turintis tą patį potencialą. atitikmenys: angl. equipotential rus. эквипотенциальный … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
equipotential — adj. & n. Physics adj. (of a surface or line) having the potential of a force the same or constant at all its points. n. an equipotential line or surface … Useful english dictionary
Equipotential surface — Equipotential E qui*po*ten tial, a. [Equi + potential.] (Mech. & Physics) Having the same potential. [1913 Webster] {Equipotential surface}, a surface for which the potential is for all points of the surface constant. Level surfaces on the earth… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equipotential surface — Equipotential surfaces are surfaces of constant scalar potential. They are used to visualize an (n) dimensional scalar potential function in (n 1) dimensional space. The gradient of the potential, denoting the direction of greatest increase, is… … Wikipedia