equipoise of doubt
Смотреть что такое "equipoise of doubt" в других словарях:
The Idler (1758–1760) — This article is about the 18th century series of essays. For other publications called The Idler, see The Idler (disambiguation). The Idler was a series of 103 essays, all but twelve of them by Samuel Johnson, published in the London weekly the… … Wikipedia
Randomized controlled trial — Flowchart of four phases (enrollment, intervention allocation, follow up, and data analysis) of a parallel randomized trial of two groups, modified from the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) 2010 Statement[1] … Wikipedia
balance — n 1 Balance, equilibrium, equipoise, poise, tension are comparable when denoting the stability or efficiency resulting from the equalization or exact adjustment of opposing forces. Balance suggests a steadiness that results when all parts are… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Europe, history of — Introduction history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… … Universalium
Pythagoreans and Eleatics — Edward Hussey PYTHAGORAS AND THE EARLY PYTHAGOREANS Pythagoras, a native of Samos, emigrated to southern Italy around 520, and seems to have established himself in the city of Croton. There he founded a society of people sharing his beliefs and… … History of philosophy
United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium
Aparokshanubhuti — AparokshanubhutiBy Adi Shankaracharya, 788 82 CE,Translated by Swami VimuktanandaPublished by Advaita Ashram, Kolkatta [Shankara discusses the identity of the individual Self and the universal Self through the direct experience of the highest… … Wikipedia
Equilibria — Equilibrium E qui*lib ri*um, n.; pl. E. {Equilibriums}, L. {Equilibria}. [L. aequilibrium, fr. aequilibris in equilibrium, level; aequus equal + libra balance. See {Equal}, and {Librate}.] 1. Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equilibrium — E qui*lib ri*um, n.; pl. E. {Equilibriums}, L. {Equilibria}. [L. aequilibrium, fr. aequilibris in equilibrium, level; aequus equal + libra balance. See {Equal}, and {Librate}.] 1. Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state of rest… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equilibrium valve — Equilibrium E qui*lib ri*um, n.; pl. E. {Equilibriums}, L. {Equilibria}. [L. aequilibrium, fr. aequilibris in equilibrium, level; aequus equal + libra balance. See {Equal}, and {Librate}.] 1. Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equilibriums — Equilibrium E qui*lib ri*um, n.; pl. E. {Equilibriums}, L. {Equilibria}. [L. aequilibrium, fr. aequilibris in equilibrium, level; aequus equal + libra balance. See {Equal}, and {Librate}.] 1. Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English