- equipment trust certificate
- сертификат, выпускаемый траст-компанией для кредитования купли-продажи оборудования
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Equipment trust certificate — An equipment trust certificate (ETC) is a financial security used in aircraft finance, most commonly to take advantage of tax benefits in North America.Peter S. Morrell, Airline Finance (Ashgate, 1997), p. 153.] In a typical ETC transaction, a… … Wikipedia
equipment trust certificate — A type of security, generally issued by a railroad, to pay for new equipment. Title to the equipment, such as a locomotive, is held by a trustee until the notes are paid off. An equipment trust certificate is usually secured by a first claim on… … Black's law dictionary
equipment trust certificate — A type of security, generally issued by a railroad, to pay for new equipment. Title to the equipment, such as a locomotive, is held by a trustee until the notes are paid off. An equipment trust certificate is usually secured by a first claim on… … Black's law dictionary
Equipment Trust Certificate — A debt instrument that allows a company to take possession of an asset and pay for it over time. The debt issue is secured by the equipment or physical assets, as the title for the equipment is held in trust for the holders of the issue. When the … Investment dictionary
equipment trust certificate — noun : an interest in an equipment trust on which payments are made out of rentals received from lease of the equipment … Useful english dictionary
equipment trust certificate — In the USA, a document setting out the details of a loan used to fund the purchase of equipment. The holder of the certificate has a secured interest in the asset in the event of a corporate default … Accounting dictionary
equipment trust certificate — In the USA, a document setting out the details of a loan used to fund the purchase of equipment. The holder of the certificate has a secured interest in the asset in the event of a corporate default … Big dictionary of business and management
Trust Certificate — A bond or debt investment, usually in a public corporation, that is backed by other assets which serve a purpose similar to collateral. If the company experiences difficulty making payments, the assets may be seized or sold to help specific trust … Investment dictionary
trust certificate — noun : a certificate issued and sold as one of a series by the trustee of designated trust property (as an investment trust, railroad equipment, or business trust) legally held evidencing a specified fractional equitable or beneficial interest in … Useful english dictionary
equipment — equip·ment n: the implements used in an operation or activity; specif in the Uniform Commercial Code: goods that are bought for or used in a business enterprise or by a debtor which is a nonprofit organization or a government agency and that are… … Law dictionary
trust — A legal entity created by a grantor for the benefit of designated beneficiaries under the laws of the state and the valid trust instrument. The trustee holds a fiduciary responsibility to manage the trust s corpus assets and income for the… … Black's law dictionary