equilibrium number

equilibrium number
критерий равновесия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "equilibrium number" в других словарях:

  • Equilibrium fractionation — Equilibrium isotope fractionation is the partial separation of isotopes between two or more substances in chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium fractionation is strongest at low temperatures, and (along with kinetic isotope effects) forms the basis… …   Wikipedia

  • Equilibrium constant — For a general chemical reaction:alpha A +eta B ... ightleftharpoons sigma S+ au T ...the equilibrium constant can be defined by [F.J,C. Rossotti and H. Rossotti, The Determination of Stability Constants, McGraw Hill, 1961.] :K=frac{S ^sigma {{T^ …   Wikipedia

  • Equilibrium unfolding — In biochemistry, equilibrium unfolding is the process of unfolding a protein or RNA molecule by gradually changing its solution conditions, i.e., its environment. Since equilibrium is maintained at all steps, the process is reversible… …   Wikipedia

  • equilibrium — The stable state of the system. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: attractor. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * equilibrium e‧qui‧lib‧ri‧um [ˌiːkwˈlɪbriəm] noun [uncountable] ECONOMICS the idea that there is a situation in an economy where… …   Financial and business terms

  • equilibrium constant — noun (chemistry) the ratio of concentrations when equilibrium is reached in a reversible reaction (when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction) • Topics: ↑chemistry, ↑chemical science • Hypernyms: ↑constant •… …   Useful english dictionary

  • equilibrium constant — noun Date: 1929 a number that expresses the relationship between the amounts of products and reactants present at equilibrium in a reversible chemical reaction at a given temperature …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • equilibrium theory — a theory that the number of breeding species in a biome is a result of the rate of immigration of new species and the rate of extinction …   Medical dictionary

  • Determination of equilibrium constants — Equilibrium constants are determined in order to quantify chemical equilibria. When an equilibrium constant is expressed as a concentration quotient, it is implied that the activity quotient is constant. In order for this assumption to be valid… …   Wikipedia

  • Nash equilibrium — A solution concept in game theory Relationships Subset of Rationalizability, Epsilon equilibrium, Correlated equilibrium Superset of Evolutionarily stable strategy …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical equilibrium — In a chemical reaction, chemical equilibrium is the state in which the concentrations of the reactants and products have not yet changed with time. It occurs only in reversible reactions, and not in irreversible reactions. Usually, this state… …   Wikipedia

  • General equilibrium — theory is a branch of theoretical microeconomics. It seeks to explain the behavior of supply, demand and prices in a whole economy with several or many markets. It is often assumed that agents are price takers and in that setting two common… …   Wikipedia

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