- equicaloric
- содержащий равное число калорий - * diets диеты, сбалансированные по калориям
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
equicaloric — adjective Date: 1940 capable of yielding equal amounts of energy in the body < equicaloric diets > … New Collegiate Dictionary
equicaloric — Equal in heat value. SEE ALSO: isodynamic. [L. aequus, equal, + calor, heat] * * * equi·ca·lo·ric .ē kwə kə lȯr ik, .ek wə , lōr , lär ; kal ə rik adj capable of yielding equal amounts of energy in the bodily economy <equicaloric high and low … Medical dictionary
equicaloric — “+ adjective Etymology: equi + caloric : capable of yielding equal amounts of energy in the bodily economy equicaloric high and low protein diets … Useful english dictionary
equicaloric — /ee kwi keuh lawr ik, lor , ek wi /, adj. Physiol. yielding equal amounts of energy in metabolism. [1935 40; EQUI + CALORIC] * * * … Universalium
equicaloric — equi·caloric … English syllables
isocaloric — iso·ca·lo·ric kə lȯr ik, lōr , lär ; kal ə rik adj having similar caloric values <isocaloric diets> iso·ca·lo·ri·cal·ly ri k(ə )lē adv * * * iso·ca·lo·ric (i″so kə lorґik) containing or providing the same number of calories;… … Medical dictionary