equiaxed crystal
Смотреть что такое "equiaxed crystal" в других словарях:
Equiaxed crystals — are crystals that have axes of approximately the same length. Crystals of equal axial length have more planes on which to slip and thus have higher strength and ductility.Equiaxed grains can in some cases be an indication for… … Wikipedia
equiaxed — “+ˌakst adjective Etymology: French équiaxe (from équi equi + axe axis, from Latin axis) + English ed more at axis : having approximately equal dimensions in all directions used especially of a crysta … Useful english dictionary
e|qui|axed — «EE kwuh AKST», adjective. Crystallography. 1. having about the same dimensions on all sides; regular in shape: »equiaxed crystal grains. 2. consisting of equiaxed grains formed in the center of an alloy casting: »an equiaxed zone. ╂[< equi +… … Useful english dictionary
Materials Science Laboratory — MSRR 1 (NASA) The Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) of the European Space Agency is a payload on board the International Space Station for materials science experiments in low gravity. It is installed in NASA s first Materials Science Research… … Wikipedia
Casting (metalworking) — Casting iron in a sand mold In metalworking, casting involves pouring liquid metal into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowing it to cool and solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which… … Wikipedia
Metallography — A micrograph of bronze revealing a cast dendritic structure Metallography is the study of the physical structure and components of metals, typically using microscopy. Ceramic and polymeric materials may also be prepared using metallographic… … Wikipedia
Dendrite (metal) — Ice dendrite formation on a snowflake A silver crystal, electrolytically refined with visible dendritic structures A dendrite in metallurgy is a characteristic tree like structure of cry … Wikipedia
nuclear ceramics — Introduction ceramic materials employed in the generation of nuclear power (nuclear energy) and in the disposal of radioactive nuclear wastes. In their nuclear related functions, ceramics are of major importance. Since the beginning… … Universalium
Investment casting — For investment casting in art, see lost wax casting. Investment casting, also called lost wax casting, is one of the oldest known metal forming techniques. From 5,000 years ago, when beeswax formed the pattern, to today’s high technology waxes,… … Wikipedia
ESCO Corporation — [http://www.escocorp.com www.escocorp.com] is a global manufacturer of engineered metal wearparts and components for industrial applications – including mining, construction, power generation and aerospace. For nearly a century, the privately… … Wikipedia