equal-loudness contours

equal-loudness contours
кривые равной громкости

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "equal-loudness contours" в других словарях:

  • Equal-loudness contour — An equal loudness contour is a measure of sound pressure (dB SPL), over the frequency spectrum, for which a listener perceives a constant loudness when presented with pure steady tones. The unit of measurement for loudness levels is the phon, and …   Wikipedia

  • Loudness monitoring — of programme levels is needed in radio and television broadcasting, as well as in audio post production. Traditional methods of measuring signal levels such as the Peak programme meter, and VU meter do not give the subjectively valid measure of… …   Wikipedia

  • Fletcher–Munson curves — The Fletcher–Munson curves are one of many sets of equal loudness contours for the human ear, determined experimentally by Harvey Fletcher and W A Munson, and reported in a paper entitled Loudness, its definition, measurement and calculation in J …   Wikipedia

  • Robinson-Dadson curves — The Robinson Dadson curves are one of many sets of equal loudness contours for the human ear, determined experimentally by D W Robinson and R S Dadson, and reported in a paper entitled A re determination of the equal loudness relations for pure… …   Wikipedia

  • A-weighting — A graph of the A , B , C and D weightings across the frequency range 10 Hz – 20 kHz Video illustrating A weighting by analyzing a sine sweep (contains audio) A weighting is the most …   Wikipedia

  • Psychoacoustics — is the study of subjective human perception of sounds. Alternatively it can be described as the study of the psychological correlates of the physical parameters of acoustics. Background Hearing is not a purely mechanical phenomenon of wave… …   Wikipedia

  • Hearing range — for more detail on human hearing see Audiogram,Equal loudness contours and Hearing impairment. Hearing range usually describes the range of frequencies that can be heard by an animal or human, though it can also refer to the range of levels. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Phon — The phon was proposed as a unit of perceived loudness level L N for pure tones [ [http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/ jw/dB.html#log UNSW Music Acoustics ] ] by S. S. Stevens. The purpose of the phon scale is to compensate for the effect of frequency on …   Wikipedia

  • Weighting — The process of weighting involves emphasising some aspects of a phenomenon, or of a set of data giving them more weight in the final effect or result. It is analogous to the practice of adding extra weight to one side of a pair of scales to… …   Wikipedia

  • Programme level — refers to the level that an audio source is transmitted or recorded at, and is important in audio if listeners to CD s, radio and television are to get the best experience, without excessive noise in quiet periods or compression of loud sounds.… …   Wikipedia

  • Hörschwellenschalldruck — Die Hörschwelle (auch Ruhehörschwelle) ist derjenige Schalldruck beziehungsweise Schalldruckpegel, bei dem unser Gehör Töne oder Geräusche gerade noch wahrnimmt. Als Hörgrenze werden sowohl die untere und obere Grenzfrequenz des Hörbereichs als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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