Смотреть что такое "epoxide" в других словарях:
Epoxide — Epoxide, nach der systematischen chemischen Nomenklatur Oxirane, sehr reaktionsfähige organische Verbindungen, die einen dreigliedrigen Ring mit einem Sauerstoffatom die (Epoxidgruppe) enthalten. Die Epoxide werden z. B. aus Chlorhydrinen durch … Universal-Lexikon
epoxide — [ep äk′sīd΄] n. a compound containing the epoxy group … English World dictionary
Epoxide — A generic epoxide. An epoxide is a cyclic ether with three ring atoms. This ring approximately defines an equilateral triangle, which makes it highly strained. The strained ring makes epoxides more reactive than other ethers. Simple epoxides are… … Wikipedia
epoxide — /e pok suyd, i pok /, n. Chem. an organic chemical that contains a group consisting of an oxygen atom bound to two already connected atoms, usually carbon (epoxy group). Cf. epoxy (def. 2). [EP + OXIDE] * * * ▪ chemical compound cyclic… … Universalium
Epoxide — Ethylenoxid mit der blau markierten Oxiran Gruppe. Die Epoxide (auch „Epoxyde“, nach dem Hantzsch Widman System Oxirane) oder Oxacyclopropane (nach der Austauschnomenklatur) sind in der Chemie eine Stoffgruppe sehr reaktionsfähiger, cyclischer,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
epoxide — epoksidas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Oksirano darinys. atitikmenys: angl. alkene oxide; epoxide rus. окись алкена; эпоксид ryšiai: sinonimas – alkeno oksidas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Epoxide hydrolase — protein Name= epoxide hydrolase 1, microsomal (xenobiotic) caption= width= HGNCid=3401 Symbol=EPHX1 AltSymbols=EPHX EntrezGene=2052 OMIM=132810 RefSeq=NM 000120 UniProt=P07099 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=1 Arm=q Band=42.1… … Wikipedia
epoxide resin — epoksidinė derva statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Oligomeras, abiejuose molekulės galuose turintis epoksigrupių. atitikmenys: angl. epoxy resin; epoxide resin rus. эпоксидная смола … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
epoxide resins — epoxy resins or epoxide resins plural noun Synthetic polymers used as structural plastics, surface coatings, adhesives and for encapsulating and embedding electronic components • • • Main Entry: ↑epoxy … Useful english dictionary
epoxide — noun Date: 1930 an epoxy compound … New Collegiate Dictionary
epoxide — noun Any of a class of organic compound, cyclic ethers, having a three membered ring; they are prepared by the selective oxidation of alkenes or by ring closure of halohydrins; used to make plastics. Syn: alkylene oxide … Wiktionary