- epopt
- (историческое) участник элевсинских мистерий посвященный;
приобщенный к тайне или таинству
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
epopt — EPÓPT s.m. (În Grecia antică) Iniţiat în cultul secret eleusin. [< germ. Epopt, cf. gr. epoptes]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN EPÓPT s. m. (în Grecia antică) iniţiat în cultul secret eleusin. (< germ. Epopt, gr. epoptes) … Dicționar Român
Epopt — Ep opt, n. [Gr. ? one initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries.] One instructed in the mysteries of a secret system. Carlyle. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Epopt — der; en, en <aus gleichbed. gr. epóptēs, eigtl. »Beschauer, Zeuge«> höchster Grad der Eingeweihten in den ↑Eleusinischen Mysterien … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
epopt — ep·opt … English syllables
epopt — n. person initiated into mysteries. ♦ epoptic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
epopt — … Useful english dictionary
Tetraselmis chui — Taxobox name = Tetraselmis chui regnum = Plantae divisio = Chlorophyta classis = Chlorophyceae ordo = Volvocales familia = Chlamydomonadaceae genus = Tetraselmis species = T. chui binomial = Tetraselmis chui Tetraselmis chui is a marine… … Wikipedia
ep|op|tic — «eh POP tihk», adjective. 1. having the character or faculty of an epopt or seer. 2. perceived by an epopt: »an epoptic vision … Useful english dictionary
Book of the SubGenius — infobox Book | name = The Book of the SubGenius author = J.R. Bob Dobbs and The SubGenius Foundation cover artist = Kenneth Huey country = United States language = English genre = Religion publisher = McGraw Hill release date = 1983 media type =… … Wikipedia
Ordo Templi Orientis — Thelema Category:Thelema Core topics The Book of the Law Aleister Crowley True Will · … Wikipedia
O.T.O. — Der Ordo Templi Orientis, kurz OTO (Orden des östlichen Tempels, oder Orientalischer Templerorden), war eine esoterische Gemeinschaft mit rosenkreuzerisch templerischen Zügen, die 1903 von Carl Kellner, Heinrich Klein sowie Franz Hartmann… … Deutsch Wikipedia