Смотреть что такое "epinicion" в других словарях:
Epinicion — Ep i*ni cion, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? belonging to victory; epi upon, to + ? victory: cf. L. epinicium.] A song of triumph. [Obs.] T. Warton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epinicion — ▪ ode Greek epinikion, also spelled epinician, plural epinicia or epinikia lyric ode honouring a victor in one of the great Hellenic games. The epinicion was performed usually by a chorus, or on occasion by a solo singer, as part of … Universalium
epinicion — noun (in Ancient Greece) A song or ode in celebration of triumph or victory … Wiktionary
épinicion — (é pi ni si on) s. m. Terme de liturgie. Se dit de l hymne Sanctus, sanctus, par où finit la préface de la messe. ÉTYMOLOGIE Terme grec signifiant chant de victoire et provenant de deux mots se traduisant par : sur et victoire … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
epinicion — ep·i·ni·ci·on … English syllables
epinicion — … Useful english dictionary
Pindar — /pin deuhr/, n. 522? 443? B.C., Greek poet. * * * born 518/522, Cynoscephalae died с 438 BC, Argos Greek poet. A Boeotian of aristocratic birth, Pindar was educated in neighbouring Athens and lived much of his life in Thebes. Almost all his early … Universalium
epinicio — (Del lat. epinicion < gr. epi nikon < nike, victoria.) ► sustantivo masculino POESÍA Canto de victoria o himno triunfal. * * * epinicio (del lat. «epinicĭon», del gr. «epiníkion») m. Liter. *Himno triunfal o canto de *victoria. * * *… … Enciclopedia Universal
Ferrand — Ferrand, 1) Jean, geb. 1586 in Puy, war Jesuit u. Lehrer der Theologie u. st. 1672 in Lyon. Er sprach die Behauptung von der durch göttliches Wunder bewerkstelligten Vervielfältigung der Reliquien der Heiligen aus u. schr.: Disquisitio… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Bacchylides — /beuh kil i deez /, n. fl. 5th century B.C., Greek poet. * * * ▪ Greek lyric poet born c. 510 BC, Ceos [Cyclades, Greece] Greek lyric poet, nephew of the poet Simonides (Simonides of Ceos) and a younger contemporary of the Boeotian poet Pindar … Universalium
Pindaric ode — Pros. an ode consisting of several units, each of which is composed of a strophe and an antistrophe of identical form followed by a contrasting epode. Also called regular ode. [1630 40] * * * Ceremonious poem in the manner of Pindar, who employed … Universalium