- epinastic
- прил. бот. искривлённый (о растении) (ботаника) искривленный (о растении)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Epinastic — Ep i*nas tic, a. [Pref. epi + Gr. ? pressed close.] (Physiol.) A term applied to that phase of vegetable growth in which an organ grows more rapidly on its upper than on its under surface. See {Hyponastic}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epinastic — See epinasty. * * * … Universalium
epinastic — adjective of, or relating to epinasty … Wiktionary
epinastic — ep·i·nas·tic … English syllables
epinastic — … Useful english dictionary
epinasty — epinastic, adj. /ep euh nas tee/, n. Bot. (esp. of leaves) increased growth on the upper surface of an organ or part, causing it to bend downward. [1875 80; EPI + Gk nast(ós) pressed close + Y3] * * * … Universalium
Hyponastic — Hy po*nas tic, a. [Pref. hypo + Gr. ? pressed close.] (Bot.) Exhibiting a downward convexity caused by unequal growth. Cf. {Epinastic}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Photo-epinasty — Pho to ep i*nas ty, n. [See {Photo }, and {Epinastic}.] (Bot.) A disproportionately rapid growth of the upper surface of dorsiventral organs, such as leaves, through the stimulus of exposure to light. Encyc. Brit. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epinasty — /ˈɛpənæsti/ (say epuhnastee) noun (of a plant) increased growth on the upper surface of an organ, especially a leaf, causing it to bend downwards. {epi + Greek nastos pressed close, compact + y3} –epinastic /ɛpəˈnæstɪk/ (say epuh nastik),… …
epinasty — A process by which the growth of branches or petioles is abnormally pointing downward. This phenomenon is caused by the more rapid growth of the upper side. Epinasty may result from either nutritional deficiencies or irregularities at the plant… … Glossary of Biotechnology
-nastic — [nas′tik] combining form nastic by some (specified) means or in some (specified) direction [epinastic, hyponastic] … English World dictionary