- epigynous
- бот. эпигиничный, надпестичный (ботаника) эпигиничный, надпестичный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Epigynous — E*pig y*nous, a. [Pref. epi + Gr. ? woman, female: cf. F. [ e]pigyne.] (Bot.) Adnate to the surface of the ovary, so as to be apparently inserted upon the top of it; said of stamens, petals, sepals, and also of the disk. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epigynous — [ē pij′ə nəs] adj. [ EPI + GYNOUS] designating petals, sepals, and stamens that are attached to the top of the ovary, as in a sunflower: see PERIGYNOUS, HYPOGYNOUS epigyny n … English World dictionary
epigynous — adjective Date: 1830 1. of a floral organ adnate to the surface of the ovary and appearing to grow from the top of it 2. having epigynous floral organs • epigyny noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
epigynous — ə̇ˈpijənəs, eˈ adjective Etymology: epi + gynous 1. of stamens, petals, and sepals : adnate to the surface of the ovary and appearing to grow from the top of it 2. of a flower : having epigynous floral parts compare hypogynous, perigynous … Useful english dictionary
Epigynous insertion — Insertion In*ser tion, n. [L. insertio: cf. F. insertion. See {Insert}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of inserting; as, the insertion of scions in stocks; the insertion of words or passages in writings. [1913 Webster] 2. The condition or mode of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Epigynous berry — An epigynous berry or false berry is an accessory fruit found in certain plant species with an inferior ovary , distinguishing it from a true berry. In these species other parts of the flower (including the basal parts of the sepals, petals, and… … Wikipedia
epigynous — epigyny, n. /i pij euh neuhs/, adj. Bot. 1. (of flowers) having all floral parts conjoint and generally divergent from the ovary at or near its summit. 2. (of stamens, petals, etc.) having the parts so arranged. [1820 30; EPI + GYNOUS] * * * … Universalium
epigynous — [ɪ pɪdʒɪnəs, ɛ ] adjective Botany (of a plant or flower) having the ovary enclosed in the receptacle, with the stamens and other floral parts situated above. Compare with hypogynous and perigynous. Derivatives epigyny noun … English new terms dictionary
epigynous — epig·y·nous … English syllables
epigynous — e•pig•y•nous [[t]ɪˈpɪdʒ ə nəs[/t]] adj. 1) bot (of flowers) having all floral parts conjoint and generally divergent from the ovary at or near its summit 2) bot (of stamens, petals, etc.) having the parts so arranged • Etymology: 1820–30… … From formal English to slang
epigynous — /ɛˈpɪdʒənəs/ (say e pijuhnuhs), /ə / (say uh ) adjective (of a flower) having or relating to the sepals, petals and stamens inserted above the ovary. {epi + Greek gynē woman, female + ous} …