Смотреть что такое "ephebus" в других словарях:
ephebus — [e fē′bəs] n. pl. ephebi [e fē′bī΄] [L < Gr ephēbos < epi , at, upon + hēbē, early manhood] in ancient Athens, a young citizen (18 to 20 years) undergoing physical and military training ephebic adj … English World dictionary
Ephebus, S. (1) — 1S. Ephebus, M. (14. Febr.) Vom Griech. Εφηβος = mannbar etc. – Dieser hl. Ephebus kam mit Apollonius und Proculus von Athen nach Rom, wurde Schüler des Croton, dessen krüppelhaften Sohn der hl. Valentin heilte. Durch diese Wunderthat bekehrte… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Ephebus, S. (2) — 2S. Ephebus, (14. April), ein Martyrer zu Terni, welcher aber wahrscheinlich identisch ist mit dem Vorhergehenden. S. S. Apollonius7. (II. 211.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
ephebus — /i fee beuhs/, n., pl. ephebi / buy/. a youth of ancient Greece just entering manhood or commencing training for full Athenian citizenship. [ < L; see EPHEBE] * * * ▪ ancient Greek institution in ancient Greece, any male who had attained… … Universalium
Ephebus (personal name) — As well as being a general epithet, Ephebus (ancient Greek adolescent) often occurs as an individual name, as in the cases of: *Ephebus, a martyr from Terni, a city in central Italy *Claudius Ephebus, mentioned in the first letter of Clement to… … Wikipedia
ephebus — noun (plural ephebi) Etymology: Latin, from Greek ephēbos, from epi + hēbē youth, puberty Date: 1627 a youth of ancient Greece; especially an Athenian 18 or 19 years old in training for full citizenship … New Collegiate Dictionary
ephebus — n. (In ancient Greece) ephebe, young Athenian man between 18 and 20 years old who had just reached manhood or full citizenship … English contemporary dictionary
ephebus — ephe·bus … English syllables
ephebus — e•phe•bus [[t]ɪˈfi bəs[/t]] n. pl. bi [[t] baɪ[/t]] cvb anh a youth of ancient Greece just entering manhood or commencing training for full Athenian citizenship • Etymology: 1885–95; < L; see ephebe … From formal English to slang
ephebus — … Useful english dictionary
éphèbe — [ efɛb ] n. m. • 1544; lat. ephebus, du gr. ephêbos, rac. hêbê « jeunesse » 1 ♦ Jeune garçon arrivé à l âge de la puberté, dans l Antiquité grecque. ⇒ adolescent. Types d éphèbes représentés par la statuaire grecque classique. 2 ♦ (fin XIXe) Iron … Encyclopédie Universelle