
астр. эпакта (астрономия) эпакта

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • Epact — • The surplus days of the solar over the lunar year; hence, more freely, the number of days in the age of the moon on 1 January of any given year. The whole system of epacts is based on the Metonic Lunar Cycle, and serves to indicate the days of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Epact — E pact ([=e] p[a^]kt), n. [F. [ e]pacte, fr. Gr. epakto s brought on or in, added, fr. epa gein to bring on or in; epi on, in + a gein to bring or lead. See {Epi }, and {Act}.] (Chron.) The moon s age at the beginning of the calendar year, or the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • epact — 1550s, number of days by which the solar year exceeds a lunar one of 12 moons; also number of days into the moon on which the solar year begins; from Fr. épacte (12c.), from L.L. epacta an intercalary day, from Gk. epaktos, lit. brought in,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • epact — [ē′pakt΄] n. [Fr épacte < LL epactae < Gr epaktai (hemerai), intercalary (days) < epagein, to bring in, intercalate < epi , on, in + agein, to bring, lead: see ACT1] 1. the period of about eleven days by which the solar year exceeds… …   English World dictionary

  • Epact — The epact (from Greek: epaktai hèmerai = added days) is a quantification of the difference between the solar and lunar calendars. It was defined by the second canon of the Gregorian calendar reform as the number of days by which the common solar… …   Wikipedia

  • Epact, The —    The Epact is the moon s age at the beginning of any given year. The term is derived from the Greek word, Epacte, meaning carried on. The Epact is used in the calculations for finding on what day Easter will fall.    See Tables in the Prayer… …   American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • epact — noun Etymology: Middle French epacte, from Late Latin epacta, from Greek epaktē, from epagein to bring in, intercalate, from epi + agein to drive more at agent Date: 1588 a period added to harmonize the lunar with the solar calendar …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • epact — /ee pakt/, n. 1. the difference in days between a solar year and a lunar year. 2. the number of days since the new moon at the beginning of the calendar year, January 1. [1545 55; < LL epacta < Gk epakté, n. use of fem. of epaktós added, equiv.… …   Universalium

  • epact — noun The time (number of days) by which a solar year exceeds twelve lunar months; it is used in the calculation of the date of Easter …   Wiktionary

  • EPACT — Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Governmental » Transportation) …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • EPACT —    a name given to the excess of the solar month over the lunar, amounting to 1 day 11 hours 11 minutes and 57 seconds, and of the solar year over the lunar amounting to 11 days …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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