- eolith
- эолит (археология) эолит (осколок камня, используемый как орудие)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
eolith — [ē′ō lith΄, ē′əlith] n. [ EO + LITH] any of the crude stone tools used during the Eolithic period … English World dictionary
Eolith — For the Korean company, see Eolith (company). An eolith (from Greek eos , dawn, and lithos , stone) is a chipped flint nodule. Eoliths were once thought to have been artifacts, the earliest stone tools, but are now believed to be naturally… … Wikipedia
Eolith (company) — Eolith is a South Korean based company. They developed The King of Fighters 2001 and 2002 after SNK was bankrupted. They also developed Double Dragon EX for mobile phones.External links*ko icon [http://www.eolith.co.kr/ Official site] … Wikipedia
eolith — noun Date: 1895 a very crudely chipped flint … New Collegiate Dictionary
eolith — eolithic, adj. /ee euh lith/, n. a chipped stone of the late Tertiary Period in Europe once thought to have been flaked by humans but now known to be the product of natural, nonhuman agencies. [1890 95; EO + LITH] * * * … Universalium
eolith — noun Crudely chopped flints, believed to be naturally produced by geological processes such as glaciation … Wiktionary
Eolith — Eo|lith 〈m. 1 oder m. 16〉 vermeintlich vorgeschichtliches Werkzeug aus Feuerstein [<grch. eos „Morgenröte“ + lithos „Stein“] * * * Eo|lith [auch: … lɪt ], der; s u. en, e[n] [zu griech. ēo̅̓s = Morgenröte u. li̓thos = Stein]: Feuerstein mit… … Universal-Lexikon
eolith — Synonyms and related words: ancient manuscript, antique, antiquity, archaism, artifact, cave painting, fossil, mezzolith, microlith, neolith, paleolith, petrification, petrified forest, petrified wood, petroglyph, plateaulith, relic, reliquiae,… … Moby Thesaurus
Eolith — E|o|lith 〈m.; Gen.: s od. en, Pl.: e od. en〉 vermeintlich vorgeschichtlisches Werkzeug aus Feuerstein [Etym.: <Eo… + …lith] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Eolith — Eo|lith [auch ... lit] der; Gen. s u. en, Plur. e[n] <zu ↑eo... u. ↑...lith> Feuerstein mit natürlichen Absplitterungen, die an vorgeschichtliche Steinwerkzeuge erinnern … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
eolith — stone naturally formed but thought to be manufactured Stones and Rocks … Phrontistery dictionary