enzygotic twins
Смотреть что такое "enzygotic twins" в других словарях:
enzygotic twins — monozygotic t s … Medical dictionary
enzygotic — Derived from a single fertilized ovum; denoting twins so derived. [G. eis (en), one, + zygote] * * * en·zy·got·ic .en zī gät ik adj of twins MONOZYGOTIC * * * en·zy·got·ic (en″zi gotґik) developed from the same zygote … Medical dictionary
enzygotic — adj. developing from a single fertilized egg (such as identical twins) … English contemporary dictionary
enzygotic — |en+ adjective Etymology: en (II) + zyg + otic of twins : identical * * * enzygosity /en zuy gos i tee, zi /, n. /en zuy got ik, zi /, adj. Embryol. monozygotic. [EN 1 + ZYGOTIC] … Useful english dictionary
monozygotic twins — see twins * * * monozygous twins two individuals developed from one zygote that divided into two embryos at an early stage (usually during the first eight days); the twins therefore have identical genomes. Called also enzygotic, identical, mono… … Medical dictionary
Twin — One of two children produced in the same pregnancy and born during the same birth process. Twins can develop from one ovum (egg) or from two ova (eggs): {{}}Twins from one ovum: Twins that develop from a single ovum are called monozygotic. They… … Medical dictionary