environmental failure

environmental failure
отказ вследствие воздействия окружающей среды

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "environmental failure" в других словарях:

  • Environmental economics — is a subfield of economics concerned with environmental issues. Quoting from the National Bureau of Economic Research Environmental Economics program:Cquote| [...] Environmental Economics [...] undertakes theoretical or empirical studies of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental stress cracking — (ESC) is one of the most common causes of unexpected brittle failure of thermoplastic (especially amorphous) polymers known at present. Environmental stress cracking may account for around 15 30% of all plastic component failures in service.H. F …   Wikipedia

  • Failure analysis — is the process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the cause of a failure. It is an important discipline in many branches of manufacturing industry, such as the electronics industry, where it is a vital tool used in the development of… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental policy — is any (course of) action deliberately taken (or not taken) to manage human activities with a view to prevent, reduce or mitigate harmful effects on nature and natural resources, and ensuring that man made changes to the environment do not have… …   Wikipedia

  • Failure rate — is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails, expressed for example in failures per hour. It is often denoted by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and is important in reliability engineering. The failure rate of a system usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental psychology — is an interdisciplinary field focused on the interplay between humans and their surroundings. The field defines the term environment very broadly including all that is natural on the planet as well as social settings, built environments, learning …   Wikipedia

  • Failure causes — are defects in design, process, quality, or part application, which are the underlying cause of a failure or which initiate a process which leads to failure. Where failure depends on the user of the product or process, then human error must be… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental Defense Fund — or EDF (formerly known as Environmental Defense) is a US based nonprofit environmental advocacy group. The group is known for its work on issues including global warming, ecosystem restoration, oceans, and human health. It is nonpartisan, and its …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental pricing reform — (EPR) is the process of adjusting market prices to include environmental costs and benefits. An externality (a type of market failure) exists where a market price omits environmental costs and/or benefits. In such a situation, rational (self… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental flow — is the amount of water needed in a watercourse to maintain healthy, natural ecosystems. The term is used in the context of rivers which have been dammed, with most or all of the flow trapped by the dam mdash; the failure to provide an… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental stress screening — (ESS) refers to the process of exposing a newly manufactured product or component (typically electronic) to stresses such as thermal cycling and vibration in order to force latent defects to manifest themselves by failure during the screening… …   Wikipedia

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