Смотреть что такое "entryism" в других словарях:
Entryism — (or entrism or enterism) is a political tactic by which an organisation encourages members to infiltrate another organisation in an attempt to gain recruits, or take over entirely. In situations where the organisation being entered is hostile to… … Wikipedia
entryism — noun A political tactic by which an organisation or state encourages its members or agents to infiltrate another organisation in an attempt to gain recruits or take over entirely … Wiktionary
entryism — doctrine of joining a group to change its policies Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
entryism — noun the infiltration of a political party by members of another group, to subvert its policies or objectives. Derivatives entryist noun … English new terms dictionary
entryism — n. (also entrism) infiltration into a political organization to change or subvert its policies or objectives. Derivatives: entrist n. entryist n … Useful english dictionary
International Committee of the Fourth International — For the International Committee of the Fourth International that superseded the United Secretariat of the Fourth International in 2003, please see reunified Fourth International. The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) is a … Wikipedia
Ted Grant — Edward (Ted) Grant (9 July 1913 ndash; 20 July 2006) was a South African Trotskyist politician who spent most of his adult life in Britain.Main ideasTed Grant described himself as a Marxist, a Leninist and a Trotskyist. In his ideas, one can… … Wikipedia
National-Anarchism — This article is specifically about the National Anarchist movement. See Anarchism and nationalism for general information about fusions of nationalist and anarchist ideas. The National Anarchist Star, or purple star of sovereignty, one of several … Wikipedia
French Turn — The French Turn was the name given to the entry between 1934 and 1936 of the French Trotskyists into the Section Française de l International Ouvrière (SFIO, the contemporary name of the French Socialist Party). The French Turn was repeated by… … Wikipedia
Fourth International — For other uses, see Fourth International (disambiguation). This article focusses on the Fourth International prior to 1963. See Fourth International (Post Reunification) for later developments … Wikipedia
Militant tendency — the Militant logo The Militant tendency was an entrist group within the British Labour Party based around the Militant newspaper that was first published in 1964. It described its politics as descended from Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir… … Wikipedia