Смотреть что такое "enter-" в других словарях:
enter — [ ɑ̃te ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1155; lat. pop. °imputare, de putare « tailler, émonder », avec infl. du gr. emphuton « greffe » 1 ♦ Greffer en insérant un scion. Enter un prunier. Enter en écusson, en fente, en œillet. 2 ♦ Fig. et vx « Ils … Encyclopédie Universelle
enter — en‧ter [ˈentə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] 1. if people or goods enter a country, they arrive there: • A lot of goods are fraudulently and illegally entering the US. 2. COMMERCE if a company enters a market, it starts selling goods or services in that … Financial and business terms
enter — en·ter vi: to go or come in; specif: to go upon real property by right of entry esp. to take possession lessor shall have the right to enter and take possession often used in deeds and leases vt 1: to come or go into he breaks into and enter s a… … Law dictionary
enter — 1 Enter, penetrate, pierce, probe are comparable when meaning to make way into something so as to reach or pass through the interior. Enter (see also ENTER 2) is the most comprehensive of these words and the least explicit in its implications.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Enter — En ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Entered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Entering}.] [OE. entren, enteren, F. entrer, fr. L. intrare, fr. intro inward, contr. fr. intero (sc. loco), fr. inter in between, between. See {Inter }, {In}, and cf. {Interior}.] 1. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Enter — or ENTER can mean:* Enter key * Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank, Australian school student assessment * Enter (town), town in the Netherlands * Enter (album), a 1997 album by Within Temptation * Enter (Russian Circles album), a 2006… … Wikipedia
Enter — bezeichnet die Eingabe oder Entertaste auf einer Computertastatur, siehe Eingabetaste die Bezeichnung für einjährige Pferde, siehe Hauspferd Enter, namentlich: Enter (Overijssel), einen Ort in der niederländischen Gemeinde Wierden Enter (Album),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
enter — Enter. v. a. Greffer, faire une ente. Enter un poirier, un pommier. enter franc sur franc. enter sur un sauvageon. enter sur un coignassier. enter en escusson. enter en fente. enter en oeillet. enter en bouton. enter en poupée &c. On dit fig. qu… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
enter — ENTER. v. act. Greffer, faire une ente. Enter un poirier, un pommier. Enter franc sur franc. Enter sur sauvageon. Enter sur un coignassier. Enter en écusson, en fente, en oeillet, en oeil dormant. Enter en bouton. Enter en poupée, etc. f♛/b] On… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
enter — [ent′ər] vt. [ME entren < OFr entrer < L intrare < intra, within, inside: see INTRA ] 1. to come or go in or into 2. to force a way into; penetrate; pierce [the bullet entered his body] 3. to put into; insert 4. to write down in a record … English World dictionary
Enter — En ter, v. i. 1. To go or come in; often with in used pleonastically; also, to begin; to take the first steps. The year entering. Evelyn. [1913 Webster] No evil thing approach nor enter in. Milton. [1913 Webster] Truth is fallen in the street,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English