Смотреть что такое "ennead" в других словарях:
Ennead — En ne*ad, n. [Gr. ?, ?, fr. enne a nine.] The number nine or a group of nine. [1913 Webster] {The Enneads}, the title given to the works of the philosopher Plotinus, published by his pupil Porphyry; so called because each of the six books into… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ennead — group of nine things, 1650s, from Gk. enneas (gen. enneados) group of nine, from ennea nine (cognate with Skt. nava, L. novem, Goth. niun, O.E. nigun; see NINE (Cf. nine)) … Etymology dictionary
ennead — [en′ē ad΄] n. [Gr enneas (gen. enneados) < ennea, NINE] a group or set of nine (books, gods, etc.) … English World dictionary
Ennead — For the neo Platonist work by Plotinus, see Enneads.: For the Latin epic, see Aeneid.Ennead (Greek Polytonic|Ἐννεάς , meaning the nine ), an ancient Greek translation of the Egyptian word, Pesedjet, consists of a grouping of nine deities, most… … Wikipedia
ennead — noun Etymology: Greek ennead , enneas, from ennea nine more at nine Date: 1550 a group of nine … New Collegiate Dictionary
ennead — enneadic, adj. /en ee ad /, n. 1. a group of nine persons or things. 2. Egyptian Religion. a. (cap.) a group of nine related deities, including Osiris, Isis, and Set, whose lineage and functions were arranged and explained by the theologians of… … Universalium
ennead — [ ɛnɪad] noun rare a group or set of nine. Origin C16: from Gk enneas, ennead , from ennea nine … English new terms dictionary
ennead — en•ne•ad [[t]ˈɛn iˌæd[/t]] n. a group of nine persons, things, or deities • Etymology: 1645–55; < Gk ennead , s. of enneás=enné(a) nine+ as ad I … From formal English to slang
ennead — noun a) The number nine. b) Any system or grouping containing nine objects … Wiktionary
ennead — n. number 9; group of twelve persons or things; group or set of nine … English contemporary dictionary
ennead — (EHN ee ad) [Greek] Any system or group that contains nine things or individuals … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases