

1) заикаться [-кнуться] запинаться [запнуться]
2) заикание

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "enlis" в других словарях:

  • Lambent — Lam bent, a. [L. lambens, enlis, p. pr. of lambere to lick; akin to lap. See {Lap} to drink by licking.] 1. Playing on the surface; touching lightly; gliding over. A lambent flame. Dryden. A lambent style. Beaconsfield. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Australian rules football in France — is currently played by four clubs in Paris, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Montpellier. The Union Française de Football Australien is the current ad hoc governing body. There have been a number of other short lived clubs in the country in the past,… …   Wikipedia

  • Zhang Enli — (chinesisch 张恩利 Zhāng Ēnlì, * 1965 Provinz Jilin, Volksrepublik China) ist ein chinesischer Künstler. Er lebt und arbeitet in Shanghai. Seine Arbeiten beschreiben das Familiäre und Übersehene, Alltagsobjekte aus der unmittelbaren… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • enlisted — [enlis′tid] adj. of or having to do with a person in the armed forces who is not a commissioned officer or warrant officer * * * en·list·ed (ĕn lĭsʹtĭd) adj. Of, relating to, or being a member of a military rank below a commissioned officer or… …   Universalium

  • enlisted — [enlis′tid] adj. of or having to do with a person in the armed forces who is not a commissioned officer or warrant officer …   English World dictionary

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