
ɪnˈdʒɔɪn предписывать (что-л.) , обязывать (к чему-л.) - their religion *s obedience их религия предписывает послушание - to * smth. on smb. обязывать кого-либо к чему-либо - to * secrecy upon one's friends обязать друзей хранить тайну - to * diligence on pupils требовать от учеников прилежания - to * prudence призывать к благоразумию - to * penance (церковное) налагать епитимью повелевать, приказывать - they *ed their children to be quiet они приказали детям не шуметь (юридическое) запрещать - to * smb. from infringing a right запретить кому-либо нарушать право другого (человека) налагать запрет enjoin юр. запрещать ~ запрещать ~ налагать запрет ~ обязывать ~ предписывать (on, upon) ;
приказывать (that) ;
to enjoin silence upon (smb.) , to enjoin (smb.) to be silent велеть (кому-л.) молчать ~ предписывать ~ приказывать, предписывать, вменять в обязанность ~ предписывать (on, upon) ;
приказывать (that) ;
to enjoin silence upon (smb.) , to enjoin (smb.) to be silent велеть (кому-л.) молчать ~ предписывать (on, upon) ;
приказывать (that) ;
to enjoin silence upon (smb.) , to enjoin (smb.) to be silent велеть (кому-л.) молчать I enjoined that they should be silent я потребовал, чтобы они замолчали

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "enjoin" в других словарях:

  • enjoin — en·join /in jȯin/ vt [Anglo French enjoindre to impose, constrain, from Old French, from Latin injungere to attach, impose, from in on + jungere to join]: to prohibit by judicial order: issue an injunction against a three judge district court… …   Law dictionary

  • enjoin — 1. Enjoin has meanings connected with commanding and issuing instructions, and is typically used in three constructions: (1) you enjoin a person to do something, (2) you enjoin something on a person, and (3) you enjoin that something should… …   Modern English usage

  • Enjoin — En*join , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Enjoined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Enjoining}.] [F. enjoindre, L. injungere to join into, charge, enjoin; in + jungere to join. See {Join}, and cf. {Injunction}.] 1. To lay upon, as an order or command; to give an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • enjoin — [v1] order, command adjure, admonish, advise, appoint, bid, call upon, caution, charge, counsel, decree, demand, dictate, direct, forewarn, impose, instruct, ordain, prescribe, require, rule, tell, urge, warn; concepts 53,78 enjoin [v2] forbid… …   New thesaurus

  • enjoin — ► VERB 1) instruct or urge to do. 2) (enjoin from) Law prohibit (someone) from performing (an action) by an injunction. ORIGIN Old French enjoindre, from Latin injungere join, attach, impose …   English terms dictionary

  • enjoin — [en join′, injoin′] vt. [ME enjoinen < OFr enjoindre < L injungere, to join into, put upon < in , in + jungere, JOIN] 1. to urge or impose with authority; order; enforce [to enjoin silence on a class] 2. to prohibit, esp. by legal… …   English World dictionary

  • Enjoin — En*join , v. t. To join or unite. [Obs.] Hooker. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • enjoin — early 13c., engoinen, from stem of O.Fr. enjoindre (12c.) impose (on), inflict; subject to; assign (to), from L. injungere to join, fasten, attach; figuratively to inflict, to attack, impose, from in on (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + jungere to join… …   Etymology dictionary

  • enjoin — 1 direct, order, *command, bid, instruct, charge Analogous words: advise, counsel (see under ADVICE): admonish (see REPROVE): *warn, forewarn, caution 2 interdict, prohibit, *forbid, inhibit, ban Analogous words: debar, shut out, ru …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • enjoin — v. (formal) 1) (esp. AE) (d; tr.) ( to forbid ) to enjoin from 2) (d; tr.) ( to order ) to enjoin on (to enjoin a duty on smb.) 3) (H) ( to order ) to enjoin smb. to obey the law * * * [ɪn dʒɔɪn] (H) ( to order ) to enjoin smb. to obey the law… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • enjoin — UK [ɪnˈdʒɔɪn] / US verb [transitive] Word forms enjoin : present tense I/you/we/they enjoin he/she/it enjoins present participle enjoining past tense enjoined past participle enjoined enjoin someone from something enjoin someone to do something …   English dictionary

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