- enforce a claim for
- требовать возмещения за
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
claim — n [Old French, from clamer to call, claim, from Latin clamare to shout, proclaim] 1 a: a demand for something (as money) due or believed to be due; specif: a demand for a benefit (as under the workers compensation law) or contractual payment (as… … Law dictionary
Omaha Claim Club — The Omaha Claim Club, also called the Omaha Township Claim Association[1] and the Omaha Land Company, was organized in 1854 for the purpose of encouraging the building of a city [2] and protecting members claims in the area platted for Omaha City … Wikipedia
British Mandate for Palestine — Mandate for Palestine الانتداب البريطاني على فلسطين המנדט הבריטי על פלשתינה א י Mandate of the United Kingdom … Wikipedia
Rationale for the Iraq War — The rationale for the Iraq War (i.e., the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent hostilities) has been a contentious issue since the Bush administration began actively pressing for military intervention in Iraq in late 2001. The primary… … Wikipedia
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit — Seal of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (in case citations, 9th Cir.) is a U.S. federal court with appellate jurisdiction over the district courts in the following… … Wikipedia
Arguments for and against drug prohibition — Arguments about the prohibition of drugs, and over drug policy reform, are subjects of considerable controversy. The following is a presentation of major drug policy arguments, including those for drug law enforcement on one side of the debate,… … Wikipedia
Provident Institution for Sav. v. Mayor of Jersey City — SCOTUSCase Litigants=Provident Institution for Sav. v. Mayor of Jersey City ArgueDate=January 9 ArgueYear=1885 DecideDate=March 2 DecideYear=1885 FullName=Provident Institution for Sav. v. Mayor of Jersey City USVol=113 USPage=506 Citation= Prior … Wikipedia
National Organization for Women — Founder(s) 28 men and women, including Betty Friedan, Pauli Murray, and Shirley Chisholm Type 501(c)(3) Founded 1 … Wikipedia
Debate over China's economic responsibilities for climate change mitigation — Main article: Climate change in China This article documents the debate over China s economic responsibilities for climate change mitigation and mitigation of climate change in China. Both internationally and within the People s Republic of China … Wikipedia
security for costs — security for costs: security sometimes required of a party to litigation in order to assure payment of expenses Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. security for costs … Law dictionary
Millard Fillmore: A Golden Rule for Foreign Affairs — ▪ Primary Source Because a republican form of government had been coupled in the United States with unprecedented economic, social, and scientific advances, many Americans were certain that similar results would obtain wherever there … Universalium