energy industry

energy industry
энергетическая промышленность;
производство энергии

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "energy industry" в других словарях:

  • Energy industry — The energy industry is a generic term for all of the industries involved the production and sale of energy, including fuel extraction, manufacturing, refining and distribution. Modern society consumes large amounts of fuel, and the energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy Industry Liberalization and Privatization (Thailand) — Thailand s energy industry has been in a decade long process of liberalization and privatization since the government of Anand Panyarachun.Industry structure prior to the 1990sFuel exploration and productionRefining and pipelinesElectricity… …   Wikipedia

  • Renewable energy industry — The present day renewable energy industry is an energy industry focusing on new and appropriate renewable energy technologies, which excludes large scale hydro electricity. Investors worldwide have paid much greater attention to this emerging… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental impact of the energy industry — Rate of world energy usage in terawatts (TW), 1965 2005.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Industry of the People's Republic of China — Industry produced 53.7 percent of the People s Republic of China’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2005. Industry (including mining, manufacturing, construction, and power) contributed 46.8 percent of GDP in 2010 and occupied 27 percent of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Industry of China — Industry produced 53.1 percent of China’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2005. Industry (including mining, manufacturing, construction, and power) contributed 52.9 percent of GDP in 2004 and occupied 22.5 percent of the workforce. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy law — is the law of the use and taxation of energy, both renewable and non renewable. It is distinct from energy policy in that it consists of the primary authorities such as caselaw, statutes, rules, regulations and edicts about energy, rather than… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy Cannibalism — refers to an effect where rapid growth of an entire energy producing industry creates a need for energy that uses (or cannibalizes) the energy of existing power plants. Thus during rapid growth the industry as a whole produces no energy because… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy security of the People's Republic of China — concerns the need for the People s Republic of China to guarantee itself and its industries long term access to sufficient energy and raw materials. China has been endeavoring to sign international agreements and secure such supplies; its energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy Matters magazine — Energy Matters was the title of a magazine published by students at the University of Cambridge between November 1980 and June 1984. Its objective, outlined in the editorial to the first edition, was to provide facts, details and opinions… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy Autonomy — Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social Technological Case for Renewable Energy is a 2007 book written by Hermann Scheer. For 200 years industrial civilization has relied on the combustion of abundant and cheap fossil fuels. But continued reliance… …   Wikipedia

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