Смотреть что такое "endpaper" в других словарях:
endpaper — [end′pā΄pər] n. a folded sheet of paper one half of which is pasted to the inside of either cover of a book, the other half to the inside edge of the first (or last) page of the book * * * end·pa·per also end paper (ĕndʹpā pər) n. Either of two… … Universalium
endpaper — ► NOUN ▪ a leaf of paper at the beginning or end of a book, fixed to the inside of the cover … English terms dictionary
endpaper — [end′pā΄pər] n. a folded sheet of paper one half of which is pasted to the inside of either cover of a book, the other half to the inside edge of the first (or last) page of the book … English World dictionary
endpaper — noun Date: 1818 a once folded sheet of paper having one leaf pasted flat against the inside of the front or back cover of a book and the other pasted at the base to the first or last page … New Collegiate Dictionary
Endpaper — The endpapers of a book are the leaves of paper before the title page and after the text. One part is pasted to the inside cover. They hold the text and cover together. Also called end leaf or end sheet.The free half of the end paper is called a… … Wikipedia
endpaper — noun Either of two folded sheets of paper used to connect the front and back covers of a book to the first and last pages … Wiktionary
Endpaper — Форзац … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
endpaper — Synonyms and related words: acknowledgments, back, back matter, bastard title, bibliography, catch line, catchword, colophon, contents, contents page, copyright page, dedication, endleaf, endsheet, errata, flyleaf, folio, fore edge, foreword,… … Moby Thesaurus
endpaper — n. blank page pasted to the front and back of a book cover … English contemporary dictionary
endpaper — noun a leaf of paper at the beginning or end of a book, especially that fixed to the inside of the cover … English new terms dictionary
endpaper — end′pa per or end′ pa per n. pri a sheet of paper folded vertically once to form two leaves, one of which is pasted flat to the inside of the front or back cover of a book, with the other pasted to the inside edge of the first or last page to… … From formal English to slang