
ɪnˈkʌmbrəns препятствие, помеха;
препона, затруднение бремя, обуза лицо, находящееся на иждивении, иждивенец (преимущественно о детях) - without *(s) (разговорное) бездетный - five *s пятеро детей (юридическое) закладная (на имущество) ;
долг, обязательство (с обеспечением имуществом) (юридическое) обременение (лежащее на имуществе) encumbrance бремя, обуза ~ долг, обязательство (с обеспечением имуществом) ~ долг ~ юр. закладная (на имущество) ~ закладная (на имущество) ~ закладная ~ лицо, находящееся на иждивении (особ. о ребенке) ;
without encumbrance разг. бездетный ~ обременение (лежащее на имуществе) ~ обременение ~ обязательство ~ помеха ~ препятствие, затруднение ~ препятствие ~ лицо, находящееся на иждивении (особ. о ребенке) ;
without encumbrance разг. бездетный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "encumbrance" в других словарях:

  • encumbrance — en·cum·brance also in·cum·brance /in kəm brəns/ n: a claim (as a lien) against property; specif: an interest or right (as an easement or a lease) in real property that may diminish the value of the estate but does not prevent the conveyance of… …   Law dictionary

  • Encumbrance — is a legal term of art for anything that affects or limits the title of a property, such as mortgages, leases, easements, liens, or restrictions. Also, those considered as potentially making the title defeasible are also encumbrances. For example …   Wikipedia

  • encumbrance — en‧cum‧brance [ɪnˈkʌmbrəns] noun [countable, uncountable] PROPERTY LAW something such as a mortgage, lease, or charge on property, that may cause difficulties when the property is passed on to someone else: • Most directors would like to keep the …   Financial and business terms

  • Encumbrance — En*cum brance, n. [Cf. OF. encombrance. Cf. {Incumbrance}.] 1. That which encumbers; a burden which impedes action, or renders it difficult and laborious; a clog; an impediment. See {Incumbrance}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) Same as {Incumbrance}.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • encumbrance — early 14c., from O.Fr. encombrance, from encombrer (see ENCUMBER (Cf. encumber)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • encumbrance — [n] burden albatross, ball and chain*, cross, debt, duty, guilt, handicap, hindrance, impediment, load, millstone, monkey on one’s back*, obstruction, responsibility, saddle, thorn in one’s side*, weight, worry; concepts 532,690 …   New thesaurus

  • encumbrance — ► NOUN 1) a burden or impediment. 2) Law a mortgage or other charge on property or assets …   English terms dictionary

  • encumbrance — [en kum′brəns, inkum′ brəns] n. [ME & OFr encombraunce] 1. something that encumbers; hindrance; obstruction; burden 2. Rare a dependent, esp. a child 3. Law a lien, charge, or claim attached to real property, as a mortgage …   English World dictionary

  • Encumbrance — A claim against a property by another party. Encumbrance usually impacts the transferability of the property and can restrict its free use until the encumberance is removed. The most common instances of an encumbrance occurs in real estate such… …   Investment dictionary

  • encumbrance — Incumbrance In*cum brance, n. [See {Encumbrance}.] [Written also {encumbrance}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A burdensome and troublesome load; anything that impedes motion or action, or renders it difficult or laborious; clog; impediment; hindrance; check …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • encumbrance — /en kum breuhns/, n. 1. something that encumbers; something burdensome, useless, or superfluous; burden; hindrance: Poverty was a lifelong encumbrance. 2. a dependent person, esp. a child. 3. Law. a burden or claim on property, as a mortgage.… …   Universalium

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