Смотреть что такое "enchaser" в других словарях:
Enchaser — En*chas er, n. One who enchases. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
enchaser — en·chas·er … English syllables
enchaser — sə(r) noun : one that enchases … Useful english dictionary
enchase — enchaser, n. /en chays /, v.t., enchased, enchasing. 1. to place (gems) in an ornamental setting. 2. to decorate with inlay, embossing, or engraving. [1425 75; late ME < MF enchasser to case in, equiv. to en EN 1 + chasser, deriv. of chasse… … Universalium
enchase — transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, to emboss, from Anglo French enchaser to set (gems), from en + case, chase case, box, shrine, from Latin capsa case more at case Date: 15th century 1. ornament: as a. to cut or carve in relief b. inlay 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
chase — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French chace, from chacer Date: 13th century 1. a. the hunting of wild animals used with the b. the act of chasing ; pursuit c. an earnest or frenzied seeking after something desired 2. something… … New Collegiate Dictionary