enamoured of
Смотреть что такое "enamoured of" в других словарях:
enamoured of — 1. In love with 2. Keen on • • • Main Entry: ↑enamour … Useful english dictionary
enamoured — en|am|oured BrE enamored AmE [ıˈnæməd US ərd] adj [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: enamor to cause to love (13 21 centuries), from Old French enamourer, from amour love ] 1.) [not before noun] liking something very much enamoured of/with ▪ You don t… … Dictionary of contemporary English
enamoured — [[t]ɪnæ̱mə(r)d[/t]] (in AM, use enamored) 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, usu ADJ of/with n If you are enamoured of something, you like or admire it a lot. If you are not enamoured of something, you dislike or disapprove of it. [LITERARY] I became … English dictionary
enamoured — UK [ɪˈnæmə(r)d] / US [ɪˈnæmərd] adjective formal 1) impressed with or enthusiastic about something enamoured of/with: She was not enamoured of Paris. 2) in love with someone enamoured of: She became enamoured of the boy next door … English dictionary
enamoured — adj. 1) deeply enamoured 2) enamoured of … Combinatory dictionary
enamoured — adjective BrE, enamored AmE (not before noun) 1 liking something very much (+ of/with): You don t seem very enamoured with your job. 2 formal in love with, or very fond of someone (+ of/with): He was greatly enamoured of Elizabeth … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
enamoured — /ɛnˈæməd/ (say en amuhd), /ən / (say uhn ) adjective (sometimes followed by of) inflamed with love; charmed; captivated: to be enamoured of a lady. Also, enamored. {past participle of obsolete enamour; Middle English enamor(en), from Old French… …
enamoured — en|am|oured [ ı næmərd ] the British spelling of enamored … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
enamoured — adj. in love, delighted, charmed (also enamored) en·am·our || ɪ næmÉ™ v. inspire with love or delight (also enamor) … English contemporary dictionary
enamoured — [ɪˈnæməd] adj formal 1) impressed with or enthusiastic about something 2) in love with someone … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
enamoured — adj charmed, infatuated, in love with, enchanted, captivated, entranced, bewitched, enthralled, smitten, besotted, keen, wild, mad, taken, fascinated, fond … Useful english dictionary