Смотреть что такое "empyema" в других словарях:
empyema — [em΄pī ē′mə, em΄pē ē′mə] n. pl. empyemata [em΄pī ē′mə tə, em΄pē ē′mə tə] or empyemas [altered (infl. by Gr) < ME empima < ML empyema < Gr empyēma < empyein, to suppurate < en , in + pyon, PUS] the accumulation of pus in a body… … English World dictionary
Empyema — Em py*e ma, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, from ? to suppurate; ? in + ? pus.] (Med.) A collection of blood, pus, or other fluid, in some cavity of the body, especially that of the pleura. Dunglison. [1913 Webster] Note: The term empyema is now restricted… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Empyēma — (griech.), Ansammlung eiteriger Flüssigkeit in Körperhöhlen: E. der Brusthöhle (s. Brustfellentzündung 3), der Oberkieferhöhle, der Gallenblase, des Kniegelenks etc … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Empyema — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD9 = ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D004653 An empyema is a collection of pus within a naturally existing anatomical cavity. It must be… … Wikipedia
empyema — empyemic, adj. /em pee ee meuh, puy /, n. Pathol. a collection of pus in a body cavity, esp. the pleural cavity. Also called pyothorax. [1605 15; < LL < Gk empýema abscess, equiv. to em EM 2 + pye (var. s. of pyeîn to suppurate, akin to pýon,… … Universalium
empyema — Pus in a body cavity; when used without qualification, refers specifically to pyothorax. [G. e., suppuration, fr. en, in, + pyon, pus] e. benignum SYN: latent e.. e. of gallbladder severe acute cholecystitis with purulent inflammation of the … Medical dictionary
empyema — noun (plural empyemata or emas) Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek empyēma, from empyein to suppurate, from em 2en + pyon pus more at foul Date: circa 1605 the presence of pus in a bodily cavity • empyemic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
empyema — pyothorax; n. pus in the pleural cavity, usually secondary to infection in the lung or in the space below the diaphragm. Empyema is a life threatening condition, which can be relieved by aspiration or drainage of the pus or by decapsulation (see… … The new mediacal dictionary
empyema — em•py•e•ma [[t]ˌɛm piˈi mə, paɪ [/t]] n. pat a collection of pus in a body cavity, esp. the pleural cavity • Etymology: 1605–15; < LL < Gk empýēma, empyē , var. of empyeîn to suppurate em py•e′mic, adj … From formal English to slang
empyema of the chest — empyema (def. 2) … Medical dictionary
empyema necessitatis — thoracic empyema in which the pus can make a spontaneous escape toward the chest wall … Medical dictionary