Смотреть что такое "emblement" в других словарях:
Emblement — Em ble*ment, n. [OF. embleer to sow with corn, F. emblaver, fr. LL. imbladare; pref. in + LL. bladum grain, F. bl[ e].] (Law) The growing crop, or profits of a crop which has been sown or planted; used especially in the plural. The produce of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emblement — noun Annual crops produced by cultivation. Emblements are treated as personal property … Wiktionary
emblement — em·ble·ment … English syllables
emblement — ˈembləmənt, bəlm noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English emblayment, embloyment, from Middle French emblaement, from emblaer to sow a field with grain (from em en (I) + blaer, from blee grain) + ment … Useful english dictionary
emblements — /em bleuh meuhnts/, n.pl. Law. the products or profits of land that has been sown or planted. [1485 95; pl. of emblement < AF, MF emblaement, equiv. to emblae(r) ( < ML imbladare to sow with grain, equiv. to im IM 1 + blad(um) grain ( > F blé) … Universalium
Emblements — Annual crops cultivated by a tenant which are treated as the tenant s property rather than the landowner s. If a tenant loses possession of the land, he or she is still entitled to finish raising the crops and to harvest them. If the land passes… … Investment dictionary
emblements — em•ble•ments [[t]ˈɛm blə mənts[/t]] n. pl. law (in law) the products or profits of cultivated land • Etymology: 1485–95; pl. of emblement < AF, MF emblaement, der. of emblae(r) < ML imblādāre to sow with grain … From formal English to slang
away-going crop — ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun : a crop that a tenant is under certain conditions entitled to remove after the end of his tenancy : emblement * * * /euh way goh ing/, Law. a crop planted by a tenant that matures after the expiration of the tenancy and… … Useful english dictionary
inblement — obs. form of emblement … Useful english dictionary