embalming fluid

embalming fluid
бальзамирующий состав (формальдегид и т. п.) (сленг) крепкий кофе;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "embalming fluid" в других словарях:

  • embalming fluid — n. strong liquor; raw whiskey. □ Jed seemed to favor some cheap embalming fluid as his poison. □ Bartender, pour out this embalming fluid and get me your best …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Embalming — Embalming, in most modern cultures, is the art and science of temporarily preserving human remains to forestall decomposition and to make them suitable for display at a funeral. The three goals of embalming are thus preservation, sanitization and …   Wikipedia

  • Embalming chemicals — are a variety of preservatives, sanitising and disinfectant agents and additives used in modern embalming to temporarily prevent decomposition and restore a natural appearance for viewing a body after death. A mixture of these chemicals is known… …   Wikipedia

  • embalming — Introduction       the treatment of a dead body so as to sterilize it or to protect it from decay. For practical as well as theological reasons a well preserved body has long been a chief mortuary concern. The ancient Greeks, who demanded… …   Universalium

  • List of misconceptions about illegal drugs — Many urban legends and misconceptions about classified drugs have been created and circulated among children and the general public, with varying degrees of veracity. These are commonly repeated by organizations which oppose all classified drug… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural burial — is a process by which the body of a deceased person is interred in the soil in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition and allows the body to recycle naturally. It is seen as an alternative to contemporary Western burial methods. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • List of street names of drugs — This is a list of street names of commonly used recreational drugs. Such names vary according to location, and tend to change over time. Many names are used to describe several different recreational drugs. Contents 1 List of street names of… …   Wikipedia

  • Phencyclidine — Systematic (IUPAC) name …   Wikipedia

  • Patient and mortuary neglect — Neglect is defined as giving little attention to or to leave undone or unattended to, especially through carelessness. Mortuary neglect can comprise many things, such as bodies being stolen from the morgue, or bodies being mixed up and the wrong… …   Wikipedia

  • Xombie — is a series of Flash cartoons produced by James Farr. Farr has said that his reason for using Flash as his medium was its economy. Morrow, Jennifer. Xombie Undead and on line . Fangoria, August 2005.] Recently, James Farr has released a book… …   Wikipedia

  • Cadaver — For other uses, see Cadaver (disambiguation). Corpse redirects here. For other uses, see Corpse (disambiguation). A corpse, also called a cadaver in medical, literary, and legal usage or when intended for dissection, is a dead human body.[1][2]… …   Wikipedia

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