- elytron
- ˈelɪtrɔn n (pl -ra) надкрылье (у насекомых) elytron (pl -ra) надкрылье (у насекомых)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Elytron — El y*tron (?; 277), Elytrum El y*trum ( tr?m)n.; pl. {Elytra}. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to roll round.] (Zo[ o]l.) (a) One of the anterior pair of wings in the Coleoptera and some other insects, when they are thick and serve only as a protection… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Elytron — (gr.), Hülle, Futteral, Scheide, Mutterscheide; daher Elytrasesie, Verwachsung der Scheide, Mangel der Mutlerscheidenössnung. Elytritis, Scheidenentzündung, Gonorrhöe des weiblichen Geschlechts. Elytroblennorrhöa, Leukorrhoa der Scheide.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Elytron — (griech.), Hülle, Scheide, Decke, bei spätern Schriftstellern auch soviel wie Mutterscheide; Elytritis, Scheidenentzündung; Elytroblennorrhoe, Scheidenschleimhautfluß; Elytrocele, Scheidenbruch; Elytroncus, Scheidengeschwulst; Elytroptosis,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
elytron — [el′itrəm] n. pl. elytra [el′itrəel′i trän΄] n. elytra [el′itrə] [ModL < Gr a covering, sheath < IE * welutrom < base * wel , to roll > WALK] either of the front pair of modified, usually thickened, wings in certain insects, esp.… … English World dictionary
Elytron — An elytron (plural: elytra) is a modified, hardened forewing of certain insect orders, notably beetles (Coleoptera) and true bugs (Hemiptera). An elytron is sometimes also referred to as a shard.The elytra primarily serve as protection for the… … Wikipedia
Elytron — Ely|tron 〈n.; s, Ely|tren〉 = Deckflügel [<grch. elytron „Hülle, Futteral, Behälter“] * * * Ely|tron, das; s, Elytren [griech. élytron] (Zool.): Deckflügel … Universal-Lexikon
elytron — n.; pl. tra [Gr. elytron, sheath] 1. (ANNELIDA: Polychaeta) The numerous modified setae in the form of scales or plates. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) A thickened, leathery, or horny fore wing or wing cover of certain insects; see hemelytron. 3.… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
elytron — elytrous /el i treuhs/, adj. /el i tron /, n., pl. elytra / treuh/. one of the pair of hardened forewings of certain insects, as beetles, forming a protective covering for the posterior or flight wings. Also called wing case, wing cover. See diag … Universalium
Elytron — Ely|tron das; s, ...tren (meist Plur.) <aus gr. élytron »Hülle«> zur Schutzdecke umgewandelter Vorderflügel der Käfer, Wanzen, Grillen u. a … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
elytron — el•y•tron [[t]ˈɛl ɪˌtrɒn[/t]] n. pl. tra ( trə). ent one of the pair of hardened forewings of certain insects, as beetles, forming a protective covering for the rear wings • Etymology: 1745–55; < NL < Gk élytron lit., cover, case, akin to… … From formal English to slang
elytron — noun (plural elytra) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, sheath, wing cover, from eilyein to roll, wrap more at voluble Date: 1774 one of the anterior wings in beetles and some other insects that serve to protect the posterior pair of functional… … New Collegiate Dictionary