- elsewhere
- ˈelsˈwɛə (где-нибудь) в другом месте (куда-нибудь) в другое место elsewhere где-нибудь в другом месте ~ куда-нибудь в другое место sell ~ продавать в другом месте
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Elsewhere — may refer to:* Elsewhere (anthology), an Australian speculative fiction anthology * Elsewhere (band), the original progressive rock band from Boston, MA. As a name of a music band is trademarked, USPTO. * Elsewhere (film), an Austrian documentary … Wikipedia
Elsewhere — Else where , adv. 1. In any other place; as, these trees are not to be found elsewhere. [1913 Webster] 2. In some other place; in other places, indefinitely; as, it is reported in town and elsewhere. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
elsewhere — c.1400, elswher, from O.E. elles hwær (see ELSE (Cf. else) + WHERE (Cf. where)) … Etymology dictionary
elsewhere — [adv] in another place abroad, absent, away, formerly, gone, hence, not here, not present, not under consideration, otherwhere, outside, remote, removed, somewhere, somewhere else, subsequently; concept 586 … New thesaurus
elsewhere — ► ADVERB ▪ in, at, or to some other place or other places. ► PRONOUN ▪ some other place … English terms dictionary
elsewhere — [els′hwer΄, els′wer΄] adv. [ME elleswher < OE elleshwær] in or to some other place; somewhere else … English World dictionary
elsewhere — else|where [ els,wer, els,hwer ] adverb FORMAL *** in, to, or at another place or other places: Car prices in the U.K. are higher than elsewhere in Europe. In 1998 the market closed down and traders moved elsewhere. The question is discussed… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
elsewhere — [[t]e̱ls(h)we͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ ADV: ADV after v, n ADV, ADV with cl, be ADV, from ADV, oft ADV prep/adv Elsewhere means in other places or to another place. Almost 80 percent of the state s residents were born elsewhere... They were living rather… … English dictionary
elsewhere */*/*/ — UK [elsˈweə(r)] / US [ˈelsˌwer] adverb in or to another place or other places Car prices in the UK are higher than elsewhere in Europe. In 1998 the market closed down and traders moved elsewhere. The question is discussed elsewhere in the book.… … English dictionary
elsewhere — 1. adverb /ˌɛlsˈʍɛːə,ˈɛlsˌʍɛːɹ/ a) In or at some other place; away. These particular trees are not to be found elsewhere. b) To some other place. If you won’t serve us, we’ll go elsewhere. See Also: elsewhence, elsewhither 2 … Wiktionary
elsewhere — else|where W2S2 [elsˈweə, ˈelsweə US ˈelswer] adv in, at, or to another place ▪ She is becoming famous in Australia and elsewhere. ▪ Kerala has less crime and alcoholism than elsewhere in India … Dictionary of contemporary English