Смотреть что такое "eliminability" в других словарях:
eliminability — elim·i·na·bil·i·ty … English syllables
eliminability — ə̇ˌlimənəˈbiləd.ē, ēˌ , lətē, i noun ( es) : the quality or state of being eliminable … Useful english dictionary
eliminate — eliminability /i lim euh neuh bil i tee/, n. eliminative, adj. /i lim euh nayt /, v.t., eliminated, eliminating. 1. to remove or get rid of, esp. as being in some way undesirable: to eliminate risks; to eliminate hunger. 2. to omit, esp. as being … Universalium
List of philosophy topics (R-Z) — RRaRabad Rabbinic law Rabbinic theology Francois Rabelais François Rabelais race racetrack paradox racism Gustav Radbruch Janet Radcliffe Richards Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan radical Aristotelianism radical behaviourism radical feminism radical… … Wikipedia
Elie Kedourie — C.B.E., FBA (25 January 1926 – 29 June1992) was a British historian of the Middle East. He wrote from a conservative perspective, dissenting from many points of view taken as orthodox in the field. He was at the London School of Economics (LSE)… … Wikipedia
eliminate — /əˈlɪməneɪt / (say uh limuhnayt), /i / (say ee ) verb (t) (eliminated, eliminating) 1. to get rid of; expel; remove: *This will not only eliminate such costly accessories as glasses and barmaids, but also pubs. –cyril pearl, 1959. 2. to omit as… …
combinatory logic — noun : a branch of symbolic logic that deals especially with the notion of substitution and the eliminability of variables in favor of special function symbols … Useful english dictionary