Смотреть что такое "eleventh-hour" в других словарях:
Eleventh hour — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para la película presentada y producida por Leonardo DiCaprio, sobre el cambio climático, véase The 11th hour. Eleventh Hour Género Drama Creado por Stephen Gallagher Reparto Rufus Sewell Marl … Wikipedia Español
eleventh hour — If something happens at the eleventh hour, it happens right at the last minute … The small dictionary of idiomes
eleventh hour — index crossroad (turning point), dilatory Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Eleventh Hour — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel Eleventh Hour – Einsatz in letzter Sekunde Originaltitel Eleventh Hour … Deutsch Wikipedia
Eleventh Hour — The Eleventh Hour Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. The eleventh hour (littéralement la onzième heure, en anglais), est une expression évoquant « le dernier moment où l on peut encore … Wikipédia en Français
eleventh hour — noun the latest possible moment money became available at the eleventh hour at the last minute the government changed the rules • Syn: ↑last minute • Hypernyms: ↑moment, ↑minute, ↑second, ↑instant … Useful english dictionary
Eleventh Hour — Para la película presentada y producida por Leonardo DiCaprio, sobre el cambio climático, véase The 11th hour. Eleventh Hour Género Drama Creado por Stephen Gallagher Reparto Rufus Sewell Marley Shelton Brandon Lee Tom País de origen … Wikipedia Español
eleventh hour — N SING: usu at the N, N n If someone does something at the eleventh hour, they do it at the last possible moment. He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour. ...last night s eleventh hour agreement … English dictionary
eleventh hour — If something happens at the eleventh hour, it happens when it is almost too late, or at the last possible moment. Our team won after they scored a goal at the eleventh hour … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
eleventh-hour — at the eleventh hour almost too late. The accused was saved from execution by an eleventh hour confession from her father. (always before noun) … New idioms dictionary
eleventh hour — /əlɛvənθ ˈaʊə / (say uhlevuhnth owuh) noun the last possible moment for doing something. {from the biblical parable (Matthew 20: 1–16) in which the workers hired at the eleventh hour received the same wages as those hired earlier} –eleventh hour …