
ˌelɪˈmentərɪ элементарный, простой - * colours основные цвета - this is * это элементарно /крайне просто/ простейший;
первичный - * cell первичная /зародышевая/ клетка первоначальный, начальный - * knowledge начатки знаний - * school начальная школа - * teachers (разговорное) учителя начальной школы - * treatise труд, излагающий основы (науки) стихийный, относящийся к стихиям (химическое) неразложимый elementary хим. неразложимый ~ первичный;
elementary cell зародышевая клетка ~ первоначальный ~ элементарный, простой;
elementary particle физ. элементарная частица ~ элементарный ~ первичный;
elementary cell зародышевая клетка ~ элементарный, простой;
elementary particle физ. элементарная частица

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "elementary" в других словарях:

  • Elementary — ist ein im Jahre 2007 entstandenes freies Software Projekt. Ursprünglich war es eine Sammlung von Programmen und Designs für Ubuntu, jetzt verfügt es über seine eigene Linux Distribution welche den Namen elementary OS trägt. Die erste Version,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • elementary OS — …   Википедия

  • Elementary — Elementary: *Education ** Elementary education, consists of the first years of formal, structured education that occur during childhood. **Elementary school, a school providing elementary or primary education. Historically, a school in the UK… …   Wikipedia

  • elementary — elementary, elemental are often confused. Something is elementary which pertains to rudiments or beginnings; something is elemental which pertains to the elements, especially to the ultimate and basic constituents or forces {an elementary… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Elementary — Elementary …   Википедия

  • Elementary — El e*men ta*ry, a. [L. elementarius: cf. F. [ e]l[ e]mentaire.] 1. Having only one principle or constituent part; consisting of a single element; simple; uncompounded; as, an elementary substance. [1913 Webster] 2. Pertaining to, or treating of,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • elementary — I adjective abecedarian, apparent, basal, basic, beginning, crude, easy, easy to understand, elemental, foundational, fundamental, inceptive, initiatory, introductory, obvious, plain, precursory, prefatory, primary, primitive, primus, proemial,… …   Law dictionary

  • elementary — late 14c., having the nature of one of the four elements, from M.Fr. elementaire and directly from L. elementarius, from elementum (see ELEMENT (Cf. element)). Meaning rudimentary is from 1540s; meaning “simple” is from 1620s. Elementary… …   Etymology dictionary

  • elementary — [el΄ə ment′ə rē, el΄əmen′trē] adj. [ME elementare < L elementarius] 1. ELEMENTAL 2. a) of first principles, rudiments, or fundamentals; introductory; basic; simple b) of or having to do with the formal instruction of children in basic subjects …   English World dictionary

  • elementary — [adj] simple, basic ABCs, abecedarian, basal, beginning, child’s play*, clear, duck soup*, easy, elemental, essential, facile, foundational, fundamental, initial, introductory, meat and potatoes*, original, plain, prefatory, preliminary, primary …   New thesaurus

  • elementary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the most rudimentary aspects of a subject. 2) straightforward and uncomplicated. 3) not decomposable into elements or other primary constituents. DERIVATIVES elementarily adverb …   English terms dictionary

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