Смотреть что такое "electromerism" в других словарях:
electromerism — n. ionization of gases … Dictionary of difficult words
electromerism — electromˈerism noun (chem) A form of tautomerism caused by a redistribution of electrons among the atoms of a molecule or group • • • Main Entry: ↑electro … Useful english dictionary
Non-innocent ligand — In chemistry, a (redox) non innocent ligand is a ligand in a metal complex where the oxidation state is unclear. Typically, complexes containing non innocent ligands are redox active at mild potentials. The concept assumes that redox reactions in … Wikipedia
Isomer — This article is about the chemical concept. For isomerism of atomic nuclei, see nuclear isomer. In chemistry, isomers (from Greek ἰσομερής, isomerès; isos = equal , méros = part ) are compounds with the same molecular formula but different… … Wikipedia