electromagnetic units

electromagnetic units
единицы абсолютной электромагнитной системы, единицы системы СГСМ

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "electromagnetic units" в других словарях:

  • electromagnetic units — a system of units based on the fundamental definition of a unit magnetic pole as one which will repel an exactly similar pole with a force of one dyne when the poles are 1 cm apart …   Medical dictionary

  • electromagnetic units — …   Useful english dictionary

  • electromagnetic — adj. having both an electrical and a magnetic character or properties. Phrases and idioms: electromagnetic radiation a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, X rays, etc., in which electric and magnetic fields vary… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Electromagnetic clutch — Electromagnetic clutches operate electrically, but transmit torque mechanically. This is why they used to be referred to as electro mechanical clutches. Over the years, EM became known as electromagnetic versus electro mechanical, referring more… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity — (EHS) sometimes also called electrosensitivity or electrical sensitivity (ES) is a condition in which people experience medical symptoms that they believe are caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields. Although effects of electromagnetic… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic radiation and health — Electromagnetic radiation can be classified into ionizing radiation and non ionizing radiation, based on whether it is capable of ionizing atoms and breaking chemical bonds. Ultraviolet and higher frequencies, such as X rays or gamma rays are… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic compatibility — (EMC) is the branch of electrical sciences which studies the unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy with reference to the unwanted effects (Electromagnetic Interference, or EMI) that such energy may induce.… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic projectile devices (fiction) — Electromagnetic projectile devices which use electromagnetic means to accelerate solid materials, such as Kinetic energy weaponry, Gauss guns, Mass drivers or Railguns are often used in fiction, especially science fiction.Realism of… …   Wikipedia

  • electromagnetic unit — n any of a system of electrical units based primarily on the magnetic properties of electrical currents …   Medical dictionary

  • Electromagnetic field — The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field.The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic stress-energy tensor — In physics, the electromagnetic stress energy tensor is the portion of the stress energy tensor due to the electromagnetic field. Definition In free space in SI units, the electromagnetic stress energy tensor is:T^{mu u} = frac{1}{mu 0} [ F^{mu… …   Wikipedia

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