- electromagnetic deflection
- тлв электромагнитное отклонение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Electromagnetic pulse — Ebomb redirects here. For EBOM, see Engineering bill of materials. This article is about the general weapons effect. For other uses, see the more specific topic (for example, Electromagnetic forming) An electromagnetic pulse (sometimes… … Wikipedia
electromagnetic radiation — Physics. radiation consisting of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x rays, and gamma rays. [1950 55] * * * Energy propagated through free space or through a material medium in the form of… … Universalium
Electrostatic deflection — refers to a technique for modifying the path of a stream of charged particles by the use of an electric field applied transverse to the path of the particles.The Lorentz force acts on any charged particle in an electromagnetic field.… … Wikipedia
Oscilloscope types — This is a subdivision of the Oscilloscope article, discussing the various types and models of oscilloscopes in greater detail. Contents 1 Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) 1.1 Dual beam oscilloscope 2 Analog storage oscilloscope … Wikipedia
Magnet — This article is about objects and devices that produce magnetic fields. For a description of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For other uses, see Magnet (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
yoke — [yōk] n. pl. yokes or yoke [ME yok < OE geoc, akin to Ger joch < IE * yugo (> Sans yuga, L jungere, jugum, Gr zeugma, Welsh iau, OSlav igo) < base * yeu , to join] 1. a wooden frame or bar with loops or bows at either end, fitted… … English World dictionary
General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources … Wikipedia
electromagnetism — /i lek troh mag ni tiz euhm/, n. 1. the phenomena associated with electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with each other and with electric charges and currents. 2. Also, electromagnetics. the science that deals with these phenomena.… … Universalium
atmosphere — atmosphereless, adj. /at meuhs fear /, n., v., atmosphered, atmosphering. n. 1. the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth; the air. 2. this medium at a given place. 3. Astron. the gaseous envelope surrounding a heavenly body. 4. Chem. any… … Universalium
atom — /at euhm/, n. 1. Physics. a. the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus by electrical… … Universalium
gravitation — gravitational, adj. gravitationally, adv. /grav i tay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the force of attraction between any two masses. Cf. law of gravitation. b. an act or process caused by this force. 2. a sinking or falling … Universalium