Смотреть что такое "electroelution" в других словарях:
Electroelution — is a method used to extract a nucleic acid or a protein sample from an electrophoresis gel by applying a negative current in the plane of the smallest dimension of the gel, drawing the macromolecule to the surface for extraction and subsequent… … Wikipedia
electroelution — noun The extraction of a sample from an electrophoresis gel by application of an electric current … Wiktionary
Overlap extension polymerase chain reaction — This page assumes familiarity with the terms and components used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. The overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (or OE PCR) is a variant of PCR. It is also referred to as Splicing by overlap extension… … Wikipedia
Cowpea mosaic virus — (CPMV) Virus classification Group: IV: (+)sense RNA Viruses Order: Picornavirales Family: Secoviridae Sub … Wikipedia
Электроэлюция — * электраэлюцыя * electroelution метод отделения фрагментов ДНК от агарозного геля, основанный на электрофоретическом переносе () этих фрагментов в ячейки, нарезанные в геле, или на диализные мембраны … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь