Смотреть что такое "electrodermal" в других словарях:
électrodermal — ● électrodermal, électrodermale, électrodermaux adjectif Se dit d une variation des potentiels électriques cutanés entre deux électrodes placées l une sur la face palmaire de la main et l autre sur sa face dorsale ou l avant bras … Encyclopédie Universelle
electrodermal audiometry — audiometry in which the subject is conditioned to pure tones by harmless electric shock; thereafter when a pure tone is heard a shock is anticipated, resulting in a brief electrodermal response, which is recorded. The lowest intensity at which… … Medical dictionary
electrodermal response biofeedback — see electrodermal activity therapy, under therapy … Medical dictionary
electrodermal response — A change in the heat and electricity passed through the skin by nerves and sweat. Electrodermal response increases in certain emotional states and during hot flashes that happen with menopause. Also called skin conduction and galvanic skin… … English dictionary of cancer terms
electrodermal — adjective Date: 1940 of or relating to electrical activity in or electrical properties of the skin … New Collegiate Dictionary
electrodermal — /i lek troh derr meuhl/, adj. of or pertaining to electrical properties or electrical activity of the skin, esp. with reference to changes in resistance. [1945 50; ELECTRO + DERMAL] * * * … Universalium
electrodermal — adjective Of or pertaining to the electrical properties of skin … Wiktionary
electrodermal — Pertaining to electric properties of the skin, usually referring to altered resistance. [electro + G. derma, skin] * * * elec·tro·der·mal i .lek trō dər məl adj of or relating to electrical activity in or electrical properties of the skin * * *… … Medical dictionary
electrodermal — [ɪˌlɛktrə(ʊ) də:məl] adjective relating to or denoting measurement of the electrical conductivity of the skin … English new terms dictionary
electrodermal — elec·tro·dermal … English syllables
electrodermal — ə̇¦lektrō, ē¦l ˌ adjective Etymology: electr + dermal : of or relating to electrical activity in or electrical properties of the skin … Useful english dictionary