Смотреть что такое "electrocratic" в других словарях:
electrocratic — /i lek treuh krat ik/, adj. Physical Chem. noting a colloid that owes its stability to the electric charge of the particles on its surface. Cf. lyocratic. [ELECTRO + CRAT + IC] * * * … Universalium
electrocratic — /i lek treuh krat ik/, adj. Physical Chem. noting a colloid that owes its stability to the electric charge of the particles on its surface. Cf. lyocratic. [ELECTRO + CRAT + IC] … Useful english dictionary
lyocratic — /luy euh krat ik/, adj. Physical Chem. noting a colloid owing its stability to the affinity of its particles for the liquid in which they are dispersed. Cf. electrocratic. [lyo (see LYOPHILIC) + CRATIC] * * * … Universalium
lyocratic — /luy euh krat ik/, adj. Physical Chem. noting a colloid owing its stability to the affinity of its particles for the liquid in which they are dispersed. Cf. electrocratic. [lyo (see LYOPHILIC) + CRATIC] … Useful english dictionary