- electrocardiograph
- электрокардиограф - multichannel electrocardiograph Electrocardiograph
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
electrocardiograph — [ē lek′trōkär′dē ə graf΄, i lek΄trōkär′dē ə graf΄] n. an instrument for making an electrocardiogram electrocardiographic adj. electrocardiographically adv. electrocardiography [ē lek′trō kär′dēäg′rə fē, i lek΄trō kär′dēäg′rə fē] n … English World dictionary
electrocardiograph — UK [ɪˌlektrəʊˈkɑː(r)dɪəˌɡrɑːf] / US [ɪˌlektroʊˈkɑrdɪəˌɡræf] noun [countable] Word forms electrocardiograph : singular electrocardiograph plural electrocardiographs an ECG … English dictionary
electrocardiograph — elektrokardiografas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Aparatas žmogaus arba gyvūno širdies bioelektriniams potencialams stiprinti ir grafiškai registruoti. atitikmenys: angl. electrocardiograph vok. Elektrokardiograph, m … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
electrocardiograph — noun Date: 1913 an instrument for recording the changes of electrical potential occurring during the heartbeat used especially in diagnosing abnormalities of heart action • electrocardiographic adjective • electrocardiographically adverb •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
electrocardiograph — electrocardiographic /i lek troh kahr dee euh graf ik/, adj. electrocardiographically, adv. electrocardiography /i lek troh kahr dee og reuh fee/, n. /i lek troh kahr dee euh graf , grahf /, n. Med. a galvanometric device that detects and records … Universalium
electrocardiograph — noun A device used in the diagnosis and detection of heart abnormalities that measures electric potentials on the surface of the body and creates a record (electrocardiogram) of the electrical currents associated with heart muscle activity Syn:… … Wiktionary
electrocardiograph — An instrument for recording the potential of the electrical currents that traverse the heart. * * * elec·tro·car·dio·graph .graf n an instrument for recording the changes of electrical potential occurring during the heartbeat used esp. in… … Medical dictionary
electrocardiograph — e|lec|tro|car|di|o|graph [ıˌlektrəuˈka:diəgra:f US trouˈka:rdiəgræf] n technical an ↑ECG … Dictionary of contemporary English
electrocardiograph — e|lec|tro|car|di|o|graph [ ı,lektrou kardiə,græf ] noun count an EKG … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
electrocardiograph — instrument for recording unusual electrical fluctuations of the heart Scientific Instruments … Phrontistery dictionary
electrocardiograph — n. machine that records electrical pulses given off by the heart, ECG (used to diagnose heart disease) … English contemporary dictionary