electrical control

electrical control
электрическое управление;
электрическое регулирование

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "electrical control" в других словарях:

  • electrical control — elektrinis valdymas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. electrical control vok. elektrische Steuerung, f rus. электрическое управление, n pranc. commande électrique, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Electrical engineering — Electrical engineering, sometimes referred to as electrical and electronic engineering, is a field of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable… …   Wikipedia

  • Control engineering — Control systems play a critical role in space flight Control engineering or Control systems engineering is the engineering discipline that applies control theory to design systems with predictable behaviors. The practice uses sensors to measure… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrical wiring — in general refers to insulated conductors used to carry electricity, and associated devices. This article describes general aspects of electrical wiring as used to provide power in buildings and structures, commonly referred to as building wiring …   Wikipedia

  • Electrical Audio — is a recording studio complex founded in Chicago, Illinois by musician and recording engineer Steve Albini in 1997. Hundreds of independent music projects have been recorded there.Founded during an era of increasing popularity for digital… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrical element — Electrical elements are conceptual abstractions representing idealized electrical components, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, used in the analysis of electrical networks. Any electrical network can be analysed as multiple,… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrical conduction system of the heart — Isolated conduction system of the heart …   Wikipedia

  • electrical engineering — ➔ engineering * * * electrical engineering UK US noun [U] ► the business or study of designing and building electrical systems, especially those which power and control machines, or are involved in communication: »an electrical engineering… …   Financial and business terms

  • Electrical lengthening — is the modification of an aerial which is shorter than a whole number multiple of a quarter of the radiated wavelength, by means of a suitable electronic device, without changing the physical length of the aerial, in such a way that it… …   Wikipedia

  • Control valves — are valves used to control conditions such as flow, pressure, temperature, and liquid level by fully or partially opening or closing in response to signals received from controllers that compare a setpoint to a process variable whose value is… …   Wikipedia

  • electrical engineer — electrical engineering UK US noun [U] ► the business or study of designing and building electrical systems, especially those which power and control machines, or are involved in communication: »an electrical engineering… …   Financial and business terms

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