- elastic stability
- устойчивость в упругой области
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
elastic stability — The ability of material to bear a compressive yield without buckling. Elastic stability ensures that the material regains its original shape as soon as compressive loads are removed … Aviation dictionary
elastic stability — tamprusis stabilumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. elastic stability vok. elastische Stabilität, f rus. упругая устойчивость, f pranc. stabilité élastique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Elastic instability — is a form of instability occurring in elastic systems, such as buckling of beams and plates subject to large compressive loads. ingle degree of freedom systemsConsider as a simple example a rigid beam of length L , hinged in one end and free in… … Wikipedia
stability of elastic systems — Смотри устойчивость упругих систем … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Flight test — is a branch of aeronautical engineering that develops and gathers data during flight of an aircraft and then analyses the data to evaluate the flight characteristics of the aircraft and validate its design, including safety aspects. The flight… … Wikipedia
Stepan Prokofyevich Timoshenko — Stephen Timoshenko Stephen Timoshenko Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tymochenko. Stepan Prokofyevich Timoshenko (anglicisé en Stephen Timoshenko ; ukrainien : Степан Прокопович Тимошенко, russe : Степан Пр … Wikipédia en Français
Stephen Timoshenko — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Timochenko. Stephen Timoshenko (en russe : Степан Прокофьевич Тимошенко, Stepan Prokofievitch Timoc … Wikipédia en Français
Buckling — In engineering, buckling is a failure mode characterized by a sudden failure of a structural member subjected to high compressive stresses, where the actual compressive stress at the point of failure is less than the ultimate compressive stresses … Wikipedia
Stephen Timoshenko — Stephen P. Timoshenko or Stepan Prokofyevich Timoshenko ( ua. Степан Тимошенко, ru. Степан Прокофьевич Тимошенко, December 22 1878 ndash; May 29 1972), is reputed to be the father of modern engineering mechanics. He wrote many of the seminal… … Wikipedia
Michael Masley — (born September 22, 1952 in Trenton, Michigan, USA) is known for his musical work on the Hungarian cymbalom. His unique method of playing the instrument comes from his invention of the bowhammer, a cross between a fiddle bow and a dulcimer hammer … Wikipedia
Librescu — Liviu Librescu (* 18. August 1930 in Ploieşti, Rumänien; † 16. April 2007 in Blacksburg, Virginia) war ein rumänisch israelischer Professor für Maschinenbau, Holocaustüberlebender und anerkannter Fachmann für Flugzeug und Schiffbau. Liviu… … Deutsch Wikipedia