- ekistics
- экистика (наука о поселениях человека) (книжное) экистика, наука о поселениях человека планирование городов и других населенных пунктов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
ekistics — ☆ ekistics [ē kis′tiks, ikis′tiks ] n. [< Gr oikos, house (see ECO ) + ICS] the science of city and area planning, dealing with the integration of the basic needs of both the individual and the entire community, as transportation,… … English World dictionary
Ekistics — The term Ekistics (coined by Konstantinos Apostolos Doxiadis in 1942) applies to the science of human settlements. [Ekistics Summary] It includes regional, city, community planning and dwelling design. It involves the study of all kinds of human… … Wikipedia
ekistics — /i kis tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the scientific study of human settlements, drawing on diverse disciplines, including architecture, city planning, and behavioral science. [1955 60; coined by Constantine A. Doxiadus (1913 1975), Greek… … Universalium
ekistics — noun plural but singular in construction Etymology: Modern Greek oikistikē, from feminine of oikistikos of settlement, from Greek, from oikizein to settle, colonize, from oikos house more at vicinity Date: 1958 a science dealing with human… … New Collegiate Dictionary
ekistics — noun the scientific study of human settlements, and the planning and design of cities and other communities … Wiktionary
ekistics — study of human settlement Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
ekistics — ekis·tics … English syllables
ekistics — e•kis•tics [[t]ɪˈkɪs tɪks[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) soc archit. the scientific study of human settlements, drawing on diverse disciplines, including architecture, city planning, and behavioral science • Etymology: 1955–60; coined by… … From formal English to slang
ekistics — /iˈkɪstɪks/ (say ee kistiks) noun the science of human settlements, ancient and modern, which seeks to understand the interrelationship between human beings, the shelters they devise, the infrastructures they establish, and their physical and… …
ekistics — n. scientific study of human settlements … Dictionary of difficult words
ekistics — … Useful english dictionary