either within or without

either within or without
как внутри, так и за пределами

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "either within or without" в других словарях:

  • without — with•out [[t]wɪðˈaʊt, wɪθ [/t]] prep. 1) with the absence, omission, or avoidance of; not with; with no or none of; lacking: without help; without shoes; without you to help[/ex] 2) free from; excluding: a world without hunger[/ex] 3) cvb not… …   From formal English to slang

  • Without Doubt — by Andy Clausen (1991)    This lively book of poetry was published just a few years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and amid the rapid changes that were taking place within the former Soviet Union. As a poet who had been deeply influenced by… …   Encyclopedia of Beat Literature

  • Without a Trace (season 1) — The first season of Without a Trace aired between September 2002 and May 2003.Cast*Anthony LaPaglia as John Michael Malone *Poppy Montgomery as Samantha Spade *Marianne Jean Baptiste as Vivian Johnson *Enrique Murciano as Danny Taylor *Eric Close …   Wikipedia

  • U.S. states without major sports teams — There are currently 25 U. S. states without major sports teams, when U.S. major league sports are defined as MLB, the NFL, the NBA, and the NHL. Reasons The reasons for this are mixed. Often it is because of a lack of population density or size… …   Wikipedia

  • The Door Within Trilogy — is a set of three novels written by American author Wayne Thomas Batson describing the adventures of teenager Aidan Thomas through the Realm , a world correlated to ours. The titles of the books are The Door Within , The Rise of the Wyrm Lord ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus — South Park episode …   Wikipedia

  • Not Without a Fight — Studio album by New Found Glory Released March 10, 2009 (see …   Wikipedia

  • Morality without religion — is the aspect of philosophy that deals with morality outside of religious traditions. Examples include humanism and most versions of consequentialism. Contents 1 Positions 2 See also 3 References …   Wikipedia

  • Anarchism without adjectives — (from the Spanish anarquismo sin adjetivos ), in the words of historian George Richard Esenwein, referred to an unhyphenated form of anarchism, that is, a doctrine without any qualifying labels such as communist, collectivist, mutualist, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Minister without portfolio — A minister without portfolio is either a government minister with no specific responsibilities or a minister that does not head a particular ministry. The sinecure position is particularly common in countries ruled by coalition governments and a… …   Wikipedia

  • Eyes Without a Face — Infobox Film name = Eyes Without a Face image size = caption = director = Georges Franju producer = Jules Borkon writer = Pierre Boileau Thomas Narcejac Jean Redon Claude Sautet Georges Franju narrator = starring = Pierre Brasseur Alida Valli… …   Wikipedia

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